Old Dog I
A Reincarnation
[A response to The King of Babylon, by Bryan Hupperts]
by Bob Neumann
Dear Bill and Bryan,
Last night I spent nearly two hours attempting to compose this post. Somehow it was lost in the attempt to post so I will try again. I will send the same to both of you. From Feb 19 to the 25th I was attending conferences in west palm beach, and Tampa, Fl. The 14th Annual International Prophecy Conference sponsored by GOD’S News Behind the NEWS featured such speakers as Hal Lindsey, GrantJeffrey, J R Church, Perry Stone Jr., Scott Pierson, and a powerful statement by Avi Lipkin. Present KNOWLEDGE confirmations to all the posts that you have published in the past few weeks. Bryan commented about his piece THE KING OF BABYLON that it did not fit the “THUS SAITH THE LORD” pattern. Much Revelation Knowledge coming today defies religious stereotypes. GOD has HIS own agenda and we all are seeing it just to begin to play before us. So I would like to give you some confirmation and foundation concerning the article…
The King Of Babylon
Bryan Hupperts
February 18, 1998
I have been praying over the situation with Iraq (ancient Babylon). While
I do not have a “thus says the Lord,” I do have a sense that we do not
understand what we’re getting in to. We’ve been blinded by pride to
seeing that God has an agenda to fulfill. His secret purposes will be
manifested to the world.
That Saddam is even alive is a sign of the protection of God. He is alive
and breathing for a divine purpose. If you read the history of ancient
Babylon, God used them to take His people prisoner. They were a vehicle
of judgment on His OWN people.
Bryan, ‘we’ have no idea what is really going on. The politicians may, but all their actions seem to point to the idea that they have no understanding of Saddam or his people. Why is our main negotiator a woman when the people she is to deal with consider women as property to be sold or bartered? Besides that she, the Secretary of State, the Sec of Defense Mr Cohen, AND the Nat Security Adviser are all Jewish? [at least by name] some strange coincidence? Or the simple fact that there is a demonic agenda underneath everything we see.When Bill Clinton and Tony Blair got in front of the cameras they stated that Saddam was the greatest obstacle to the ideas of global peace and a “new world order”. Besides that there is a definitely a creepy feeling in my gut when 2 liberal pacifists attempt to “rattle sabers” on CNN.
As to Saddam and Iraq, the west armed him while he fought against Iran, knowing exactly what motivates him. GOD has always used an outside force to bring judgement to those who were warned. The fact that Saddam is still in power is one thing. The fact that he has rebuilt and rearmed is another. Add to that the years to indoctrinate his people against the Americans who are inflicting hardship and suffering is what breeds the fanaticism required for martyrs in the next Jihad.
I have a chilling intuition that it might happen again.
Saddam, it is believed, has built biological and chemical weapons that
could kill millions. There is not doubt in my thinking that he is a homicidal
madman. King Nebuchadnezzar also went mad – and was restored finally
to sanity, his throne, and brought to saving faith in God.
Did you know that Saddam has for years openly stated that he is the ‘reincarnation’ of Nebuchadnezzar the Great? That is why he has three great agendas…and they all repeat what Neb 1 did. 1st is to rebuild the city of Babylon. He began this during the last years of the Iran-Iraq wars. Some sources say he has spent as much money on this as he has spent on military escalation. Oh, have you heard about the posters? Ol’ Saddam likes to push his ‘vision’ of his “brave new world” by printing posters of himself…as King Neb 2. Dressed in supposedly Regal Babylonian robes, in the ancient temples. He wants to restore the pagan pantheon. While we all think of him as Moslem, moslems do not believe in reincarnation. The do not rebuild pagan temples and worship in them. Babylon has been completed and has been the scene of galas, concerts, and symposiums for the NEW AGERs he has gathered around him.
Amazingly all 3 of his agendas are identical to those of another recent madman, Adolf Hitler. Saddam, like Adolf before him is fascinated by the occult and consumed with the desire for power.
His 2nd Agenda is to restore the Empire and to dominate world affairs. This is where we are now. He has in the last two years came into agreement with Iran that Jihad must be again taken up against THE GREAT SATAN and all the infidels who have perverted the TRUE FAITH. In simple english they must destroy western culture that has eaten away at their fundamental teachings. Pornography, Drugs, Alcohol, Democracy, Abortion, Homosexuality/Lesbianism, Feminism are the weapons we are using against them. AND YOU KNOW GUYS…they’re right !
All this leads to his third agenda, the destruction of Israel and the recapturing of Jerusalem. While Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Egypt hate and fear him they are eager to use him…as he uses them.
One of his favorite posters is of him riding a white stallion riding to victory…I have heard from seeing this back in 1991 Yassar Arafat pledged the support of the Palestinians to his cause saying that they awaited his arrival upon the MT of Olives and his entering Jerusalem by the eastern gate. That he would be welcomed and crowned…..that is why the PLO supported Iraq in the last war and cheered as scuds landed in Israel….they awaited their deliverer. Strange perversion of biblical prophecy?.
I cannot help but wonder if the Holy Spirit is drawing Saddam to Christ.
If this happens, how many million Muslims might follow him?
For Saddam to profess JESUS publicly would require all moslems to immediately seek his death. but GOD’S M.O. of drawing can also be for destruction…either a “hook in the jaw” or a “hardening of the heart”. I will leave that to you to think on….
My sense is that if this conflict escalates, we’ll have ourselves another
World War. We Americans are convinced that we’ll just fly over, drop our
bombs, and be done with it. I don’t believe it will be like Desert Storm.
We’re in for a ghastly and deadly surprise. I am not sure there will be any
real “winners” in any of this.
The dreams and visions we are seeing all speak of violent judgement and persecution coming against America which validates what you say next…
Babylon is going to bite back and bite hard.
Her fangs are bared. They drip with venom and, like a serpent hunting
her prey, she is coiled and ready to strike.
Babylon also included present day Syria, Iran, Southern Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. And they have plans against Israel and those who side with Israel. They have had 7 years to implement and infiltrate on their own…now let us not forget Russia who seems to side with them at every issue. The bear still has teeth and claws. And a long history of hating and killing Jews….
As Daniel was thrown into the Babylonian Lion’s Den, so also will we.
Daniel escaped without so much as a scratch because he was innocent of
any crimes. I wonder how America will fare during our night in the Lion’s
Den? Will we survive?
In Revelation, it teaches that there are spirits that tempt the kings of the
earth to war. Those spirits have been loosed again. Remember that God
raised up both ancient Babylon and ancient Egypt to display His might
and power in the earth. They served as His vehicles of expression and
Is He doing this again with modern Babylon (Iraq)?
Yes I believe so with PRESENT KNOWLEDGE….all the facts point to a trap being set….and a “judas goat” leading us to it.
I do not know if Sadam has the delivery capability to touch the soil of the
USA unless he has managed to smuggle his weapons of mass destruction
here. He has a covenant of death with terrorists – anything is possible. If
he unleashes his wrath, our medicines and reliance of technology will be
futile. There is no cure for the poisons he has concocted.
We’ll have to trust and believe God for healings.
We have heard the reports of Nuclear Weapons missing from the former “USSR”. little was said about their chemical/biological stockpiles. 7 years is a long time to smuggle and to set up for a war of attrition america has never anticipated and is almost defenseless against. now i guess i need to get beyond this which is all present knowledge into Revelation knowledge…
Abraham Lincon, during the Civil War, was asked to pray that God
would be on “our” side (i.e. The Union). Lincon wisely replied, “we had
better pray that we are on His side.”
That is the problem, as a nation we forgot GOD. Why did the american church decide the universe revolved around their agendas? And then demand that GOD bless their endeavors?
Several years ago I had a vivid dream of a sea battle. One of the ships under attack bore the name GEORGE WASHINGTON. I put the dream aside because I knew no capital ship by that name. So when the media announced the deployment of the carrier GW and it’s task force I freaked big time and went to the net and found the US NAVY site and the list of all our carriers…including the Abraham Lincoln…. over a week ago i had another night vision…involving three carriers being sunk. i saw no names so the time line is not dependent on the GW being there. and the whole thing was based upon an attack from behind. Presently we have 3 carrier groups in/around the Persian Gulf. A narrow body of water with limited room to maneuver. with possible enemies on all sides.
Maybe I am just some crackpot with vain imaginations…it would be preferable to the possibility that the combined dreams/visions/prophecies of the saints are pointing to.
Bill, a while back I mentioned to you my thoughts on the ‘rapture issue’ may not be as far from you as you might think. In worse case scenario we will all be crispy critters shortly. My scenario is based on scripture….the complacent luke warm american laodicean church lost it’s first love long ago. The combined efforts of all the nicolaotin despots have forsaken the LOGOS and denied the RHEMA by following the teachings of Balaam and Jezebel. They need to wash their robes in the fires of tribulation. but there is a time when the BRIDEGROOM comes like a thief in the night for a BRIDE. the BRIDE is a virgin….not a religious whore.
I was told to prepare for a time of fire. to put aside a years supply of food, medicine, necessities for my family. And to warn HIS CHILDREN of the two edged Sword of JUDGEMENT and WRATH. I have tried to sound the shofar when and where possible.
So I thank you Bill for your work to warn the remnant. And to you Bryan, you are definitely on time and on target.
The hardest thing is to hear the LORD and see it come to pass before you piece by piece. In this there is no joy, only grief for as each piece falls into place the assurance of the fullness of all HIS WARNINGS presses us with grief as we see what is to come. being a crackpot would not hurt as much as a servant aware of both PRESENT and REVELATION knowledge.
be blessed
bob in miami