Old Dog III

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A Response to Julie Baxter’s Post

Bob Neumann

Dear Bill and all those who read your updates,

The last time you updated Bill, you gave us a commentary by Miss Baxter. This is not meant to be an attack or an argument with Miss Baxter or the statements that were presented. Just my very personal thoughts.

Cindy opened the meeting with the prophetic statement “in 1999 there will be no business as usual”. She went on to chronicle the last two weeks for the Jacobs family.

Things have been unusual since October…that is when GOD’S YEAR began. Anyone still doing the same old same old without an overriding sense of urgency is nether watching the times as a ”Son of Issacar” or listening to the LORD. PRESENT KNOWLEDGE will tell you trouble is coming. REVELATION KNOWLEDGE tells you why it is coming. I regret I saw little of either in this article.

She and Mike participated in a gathering of the prophets of the USA in North Carolina (Paul Cain, Mike Bickle, Bill Hamon, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones, John & Paula Sanford, Dick Eastman, Dutch Sheets and others) January 27 – 28. She’s been reading “Humility” by Andrew Murray and wondered briefly if that is why so much has come their way recently. Her daughter was facing surgery and Cindy had to get on the plane to go to Uganda. Her daughter needed mom, but their son said “Mom, if you don’t go, you’ll miss God” and they decided “OK, God, here we go.” Then their baggage was lost four days and she had nothing to wear to meetings.

Well those are the BIG NAMES….BIG MINISTRIES….OWNERS OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE PROPHETS…. Then you wonder why the next statement is as it is….

Secondly, she spoke that it was the consensus of the prophets that Y2K is to be taken seriously and people must prepare. The first and foremost preparation is SPIRITUAL, but that we are also to prepare in the natural as the Lord leads. Some will recognize and receive a Joseph anointing to provide for those in need.

Well, I have been laboring in, around, for GOSHEN for 2+ years. No one ever confirmed a JOSEPH ANOINTING on this old dog. Yet I like the ”as the LORD leads…” part. I thought the prophets were supposed to lead? give direction? of, I’m sorry. It was Nehemiah that gave the direction to rebuild the walls. And he came with a King’s Authority to do GOD’S WORK.

Just maybe we need to have a two edged anointing; we who live in a land of ”unwalled villages”. We who just love to preach about tearing down the walls of separation, of bigotry, of denominational hubris, of class status.

A Nehemiah who will bring everyone together to build a defense from attack…

A Joseph who will bring everyone to store for the famine.

Now each of these guys did not move in some religious or spiritual capacity, they had

POWER. IMPERIAL APPOINTMENT to get a job done. And we play games with ”religious sounding semantics”.

It amazes me that after the government bureaucracy and Senator Bennet’s report cards the prophets did not speak. Megacorporations and conglomerates spending billions of dollars over years now in anticipation of severe problems, the prophetic voice was muzzled. Take all the ‘doom and gloomers’, the survivalists and all the assorted crazies all over the place, (ME INCLUDED I GUESS…) and finally the ”prophets” have spoken?????

“60 MINUTES”, “20/ 20”, “48 HOURS”, “NIGHT LINE”…. ABC … CBS … NBC … CNN … TBN … (MR. TURNER …THAT IS) all have heavily discussed the realities of Y2K, so now the prophetic ”IMPERATOR” has been given?

Like do they have a clue????

A while back a tremendous Prophetic Word “AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS” went across the ‘net’. It was printed on this site. Since then older and newer WORDS have been brought forth. It is nice to know that maybe GOD was not funnin’ with us. That HE MEANT EXACTLY what HE SAID. Now I have to ask ” WHY SO LONG” and where is their ”leadership”….

(4) “God is going to move in multiplying food and churches will function as hospitals with an Elijah anointing healing the people.” If we prepare, God will bless us to bless others. The tendency is to get into fear, but remember He knows the sparrows and clothes the lilies. “God provided supernaturally during WW2 for England, He will provide again.”

Throughout AMERICA individuals and small groups have listened and obeyed. And until recently have been part of the lunatic fringe. Few churches will commit because of denominational warnings of instilling ”fear”. It will not be a church thing until the panic begins. Even now it is too late for extensive planning and preparation….(SHHHHHH, don’t tell anybody, they might become discomforted).

And here is another ELIJAH anointing. Now how many people did he ”heal”??? Raised one from the dead, but it sounds cute doesn’t it?

(6) The Nehemiah project is to cry out to God for our nation as in Rev. 21:24. The nation of Guatemala is close to 80% Christian because they refuse to have anything other than this scripture. They declare it over their nation, that Guatemala will be a nation listed among these nations. They’ve broken curses off the land and now it produces huge and wonderful crops.

Sort of flimsy foundation to build on…one verse…but it is a good one. And for Guatemala it seems to work. But does that give us the right to ”steal” or ”procure” their direction? Or just maybe we had better listen for our own verse. I have mine, does anyone have theirs?

(7) “We will see glorious revival in the worst of times. Prepare the cities,for in the midst of the troubles God will raise up Joseph’s to bless and make provision for the needy. In the middle of the crisis, some will be prospered in order to bless.”

Does that mean we might get loosed from the prison? “Glorious revival” is another one of those ”buzz words” that has to pop up at every turn. I wonder if Moses was preaching revival when they dipped the HYSSOP into the BLOOD to mark the frames of their doors. When the DEATH ANGEL walked through EGYPT did the slaves know they were in a deliverance service? I do not think so, especially after the first 9 PLAGUES….

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CRISIS SOME WILL BE BLESSED??? I sure hope so because no one has been storing for 7 years, and storage space is what we ran out of first here in south Florida….

(10) Cindy feels strongly …….

I’m glad she ”feels” about things, but not one ”THUS SAITH THE LORD”, if anyone noticed…

But Y2K has a preset date doesn’t it. Before 01/ 01/ 00 a whole lot of bad things can happen if you look beyond the now. I don’t know what could happen first…or why…it doesn’t matter. I just know I am to do as much as I can before I am placed in the position where I can do nothing.

Only those who heard GOD before they met me seem to listen to what I have to share….

In fact most came looking for me. I call it GOD’S SENSE of HUMOR. And nothing I see ahead for America and the apostate church is laughable…

old dog in goshen

Up Next: Goshen…