Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

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About The Room: A Message to the 600

[Site Curator’s note 2/12/2023: This word was posted in 2003 on my old website. Before the advent of Facebook and other social media platforms, there were fewer spaces to share testimonies and to gather. The Lord sent some of his servants to create such online groups and spaces. Eventually social media software technology caught up and replaced many of these spaces.]

(UPDATE 2-1-2004 The Room is now closed and will not receive any new submissions -Dan)

Dear readers,

Earlier in the year the Lord Almighty instructed me to create a new page on the website for others to contribute testimonies and revelations as the Lord leads.  It will only stay open for submissions for 6 months.  During those 6 months, all are invited to share testimonies that magnify and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, and any revelations they receive as well.  I have testified about the different miraculous signs and miracles that God has performed in my life for His glory, and anyone who wants to contribute anything that will help draw people to Jesus,–to let the world know that you too believe that He is real and that He does not change–is welcome to do so. 

This page is called “THE ROOM” at the Lord’s command.   My hope is that all those who visit this site will spend some time in the room sharing the testimonies of others in order to have their faith strengthened, or in fact to find faith in Jesus if they have not already done so. 

Send any testimony, prophecy, vision, dream, occurrence, prophecy confirmation, or articles to [email protected].

A message to the 600

On 9-10-2002 I took my wife and daughter to see the Chinese Circus.  I know the date because my wife saved the ticket as a souvenir.   It was a surreal experience.  I had the sense that God was trying to speak to me through what I was seeing.   As the acrobats tumbled and the plate spinners spun, I noticed that even the mistakes are deliberately choreographed into the act.  This heightens the excitement and the tension of the acts and makes it appear like you are watching feats performed at the absolute pinnacle of human ability.  Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit made me notice a certain scripted artificiality about it.

The price of the cotton candy was exorbitant.   I don’t remember how much it was, but at events like this, people everywhere are willing to spend high prices for food and beverages.  In order to give my daughter a good memory (which is probably what the other parents are doing), I bought her a $3.00 glowing light stick that shouldn’t cost more than 50 cents.

It began to rain very heavily.  The rain drops pounded against the tent and penetrated through the central hole in the top.  Also, rain started pouring down through that holes that supported the 4 spotlight towers.   People had to leave their seats in the front rows because they were being soaked by rain.  There was a large puddle of water in the center of the ring, and I was afraid that one of the performers would slip and fall.  I prayed for the rain to stop.   The rain was competing for my attention.  Eventually the rain did stop.   This rainy circus show with its well choreographed acts and scripted errors left an impression on my spirit.  God was trying to tell me something.

About a couple of months later I get a website update notice from  TS Gibson compiled articles by Bob Neumann.  The Spirit of the Lord was upon me.  I was called, pulled, led very strongly to read these words.  I even printed out the first 3 compilations and tried to print the 4th, but my printer ran out of ink.  There was a lot to read, and the Holy Spirit wanted me to be able to read it away from the computer. 

So here I am, reading with rapt attention, and I come to the Seven Thunders…  Now, the other day I typed seven thunders into a search engine.  Try it, and you will find a lot of opinions and ideas on the subject, some old, some new—ALL WRONG.  Well almost all wrong.   When I read about the Circus act and the dog and pony show in the first and second thunder, I believed it.  I had seen it!  I didn’t walk in the valley of vision, but I had seen it in my spirit two months ago at the Chinese circus.  When I read the revelation, I already had the IMAGES in my mind.  I understood it in a deep visceral way.  I remembered the overpriced innutritious snacks.  I remembered the group of elders, and I remembered the RAIN.

So, I did not believe what I was reading simply because it rang true.   I believed because the Lord Almighty confirmed it to me with a tremendous display of his power. 

There is a message within the message.  I learned that I had to study to show myself approved.  Even at this hour, the Lord is calling me to his secret place to study the Bible inside and out.  The Lord unlocked my understanding of some the patterns, sequences and images in the Bible, in my personal life, and in the world around me.  Through reading the RHEMA given to Old Dog, I was prepared to unlock the prophetic significance of the revelations embedded in the signs in my life.

Back to the here and now.  A couple of weeks ago during one of my breaks at work, the Lord spoke to me and told me to count the money that I had in my wallet.  I opened up my wallet and counted 192 dollars.  I had 9 twenties, and 12 singles.  After I finished counting, he told me to count my money again.  This time I counted more carefully in order to make sure that I knew the exact amount.  I got 192 dollars again.  Then the Lord told me to count it again, so I pulled the money out of my wallet a third time and began to count.  9 twenty dollar bills and 12 singles.  192 dollars in total.

I was starting to get the picture that there was something prophetically significant in these numbers.  There is a staircase in the lobby of the building where I work, and the Lord told me to sit at the top of the stairs.  Then he said, “The two monies.”  I considered the 20’s and the 12 singles separately.  The 9 20’s make 180 dollars.  180… I had seen that number before. 

Rev. 12:1-6 (KJV) 
    And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: [2] And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. [3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. [4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. [5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. [6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

God then told me that the 12 singles in my pocket represented the twelve stars above the woman’s head.  1,260 days (threescore is 60) divides into 180 weeks.  The 180 dollars made out of 9 twenties represents 180 weeks.  180 weeks is the length of time the woman would be fed in the wilderness!

God had every dollar in my wallet counted.  He reminded me that I should never worry about my finances, but that’s just the surface of what he was showing me that day.  1,260 days is a multiple of the number 9.  It is 9 times 140.  It is also the length of days that the two witnesses of revelation 11 prophesy.

Rev. 11:3 (KJV) 
    And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

When the Lord of Hosts said that I did not understand the meaning of the signs of 9 in my life, He was right, but even now he [is] unlocking my understanding more and more.  God first called me to share his word with the world on 12-26-2002.  152 days later, I stood in Times Square and anointed it with oil.  This brings the total number of days, from the day I was first called, to the day of the anointing of Times Square to 153 days.  For those of you who have read the book, you will know that the catch of 153 fish on the right side of the boat at the third appearance of Jesus to his disciples is not a coincidence.  That fact that 153 and 1,260 are multiples of 9 (the digits add up to 9) is also not a coincidence.  After the Lord opened my eyes to see the pattern of 9, and 153 in my life, it changed the way I read the Bible.  No longer can I ignore this pattern in the Bible.  I cannot read about the intercession of Abraham in Genesis 18 for the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, the 18 who died when the tower of Siloam fell (Luke 13:4), the judgment of Babylon in Revelation 18, and the healing of the woman who had been disabled for 18 years on the Sabbath day (7th year of the Father, i.e. this millennium) in Luke 13 and not notice that an omniscient and omnipotent God is trying to tell us something!

At this point you may or may not be wondering why the Lord directed me to sit at the top of the stairs in the lobby of the building where I work.  He was reminding me of a vision that I had on a Sunday in the beginning of April.  I was standing at the top of the steps, and I was about the walk down, when I had a quick vision that I had tripped and fallen down the steps.  I did not know what it meant, but I knew that God was warning me.  The night before he warned me against committing adultery by making me read Proverbs 5.  God was speaking about spiritual adultery.  You see.  I was participating on another internet based ministry when the prophecies of Thomas S Gibson came under fire.  I was very surprised because I had wrongly assumed that God’s message of the coming judgments was settled in the minds and hearts of the believers.  I could not believe that many just didn’t believe these words.  The morning before I had a vision where I fell down the steps, I wrote an article in which I copied and pasted the little bio’s in my Bible of the different prophets that authored the books of the prophets in the Old Testament.  The pattern I showed was that these prophets warned of coming judgments and called for repentance.  I was very troubled to learn that God’s words of the coming judgment and his call for repentance were not being received by his people today.

After I returned from work that night, the Lord gave me the revelation of the meaning of the number 14.  I had been prophesying the number 14 for a few days.  That night, he told me to read Isaiah 14.  After I finished, I felt strongly in the Spirit to read Isaiah 14:14, Ezekiel 14:14, and Jeremiah 14:14.  Then the Lord spoke and gave me the meaning of each verse as it applied to his judgment upon America, and the Church.  I shared this in my invitation to join me in Times Square.

Isaiah 14:14 (ESV) 
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
        I will make myself like the Most High.’

The sin of the Devil is the sin of America and the American Apostate Church.

Jeremiah 14:14 (ESV) 
    And the Lord said to me: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds. 

The majority of the prophets have watered down the message and are not speaking the truth!

Ezekiel 14:14 (ESV) 
    even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness, declares the Lord God.

The righteous will deliver their own lives.   America needs to repent at an individual level.  Those who intercede and rebuke the latter rain are fighting against the Lord Jesus Christ, and are not speaking for him!  The refining fire and the destroying fire are one and the same.  The gold and silver will be purified, and everything else—well you know the rest…

The Lord was warning me against committing spiritual adultery with the Bride.  After God gave me the revelation of these verses, I saw a white form floating outside the window to my living room.   I could not see any detail.  It was as if I was looking without my glasses.  I just got enough of an impression to know that something was there.  Then the Lord said, “Do you know what that is?  That is a demon prince.”

The enemy was attacking me strongly to get me to alter the message of his coming judgments.  They did not even try to get me to stop warning or deny that the judgments are coming.  They just wanted to alter it.  They wanted me to say that perhaps God will hear our intercession at this hour if we pray and fast and intercede for America.  This way, the Nicolatian Overlords get to run the system for a few more decades, Abortions can continue, homosexuality can spread even further throughout our society, etc., etc.  The PAX AMERICANA can be preserved for a few more decades by any means necessary, even if it means we have to twist God’s arm and let him know who’s BOSS!

There was no getting around it.  Either I would love Jesus with all of my heart, or I would seek the approval of men.  I shared the revelation of the 14:14 verses in obedience to Christ. 

Who loves you my brethren?  The one who will tell you soothing lies, or the one who will endure persecution from those they love so that you will have the seed of TRUTH planted in you?   In the prophecy “I am willing to relent,” God says that he will relent when there is repentance, but is there repentance?  I know that God is not lying, nor is He contradicting himself.  Look outside your window.   Do you see true repentance?  When Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah, God agrees to spare these cities for the sake of 10 righteous, but don’t you think that an omniscient God knew ahead of time that there was only one righteous person in all of Sodom and Gomorrah?  In the same way, God is willing to relent, but the people have not repented and the judgments are coming right on schedule.

The Lord gave me a prophecy to share along with the letter I would write to introduce the room.  Like many of the words that I received, it came at a price.  God gives me miraculous signs to confirm the message that he uses me to bring.  When I shared the prophecy about the book in June, I didn’t mention that the day I received the prophecy was the 7 year anniversary of the day I called my wife on the phone and asked her to be my girlfriend.  She called me in May of ’96, 7 years before I went to Times Square, and we became an item less than one month later on June 25th of ‘96.  On August 25th, of ’96, I asked her to marry me (90 days after she called me in May).  On 6-25-2003, the Holy Spirit led me to take communion.  I sensed in the Spirit to get my voice recorder.   I prophesied and recorded it.  The prophecy is exactly 9 minutes long.

For a week or so before I received the prophecy that God told me to call, “A message to the 600,” I came under a series of strong spiritual attacks.  They came in different ways, most notably against my health, and I was very surprised.  The attacks were not subtle so I prayed and rebuked them in the name of Jesus, but the barrage was constant.  On the day that I received the prophecy, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, and I felt led by the Holy Spirit to return home to pray and fight.  I prayed, took communion, and then received the following word:

Prophecy 7-23-2003 A message to the 600

Hello my people.  I am the Lord your God.  I love you very much.  This room, created at my command, is for your contributions.  It is for you my people that you may share and contribute revelations or testimonies.  I have told my son Dan not to fight and not to teach, but there is something that I want to say to you through him.  I have said before, and given you a list of names of different prophets.  I want you to know that there is a reason why this list is so small.  It is because many prophets have turned away and turned to lies, and they are not doing what is right, and they do not speak my pure truth.  There are many who began with me and now their message is corrupted by error and deception.  Some of these will repent, but most of them have abandoned their guard forever.  Among your ranks, I am going to raise up new prophets who will speak the words that I give to them and nothing else.  I am going to raise up an army of prophets to take their positions on the walls, and I have sent my son to tell you to read these words so that you may study as he has studied.  I also want you to read the words of other prophets for I have said to him and you that it is only a partial list, yet you will discern differences.  You will discern differences between the words of these prophets and other prophets. 

I will take an example.  I have sent one of these prophets to proclaim judgment for San Francisco, and I tell you, there will be no revival in San Francisco.  My judgments will turn the hearts of the people away from their sin.  My judgment must come before revival.  There will be prophets who will tell you lies saying that I will send this or that angel as long as the people intercede and pray, but my faithful ones know and have been preparing for some time for the judgments that are coming.  And they rejoice at this knowledge for they know that only through my discipline, only through my discipline will America repent, and this is what makes them rejoice—the knowledge that I will no longer tolerate the sin.

The false prophets will tell you either that my judgments are not coming, or that I am willing to delay much longer as you stay in fasting and prayer interceding, but I will not wait.  I will not wait, and I have a schedule, and my judgments are coming exactly according to this schedule. 

I gave my son Dan a personal revelation.  I showed him a nuclear explosion in a city in Asia, and as soon as he saw it, I said to him in his spirit, “this is true,” and he cried out to me and said, “Have mercy,” and I said, “I will.”  I also showed him a judgment that will take place in America, a very specific revelation that I do not want him to share, and I told him that no matter what this will come to pass, that I will not hear his cry.  This is the message that I am bringing to you; that it does not matter if Noah, if Moses, if Daniel in the Bible, it does not matter if Paul, or Peter, or Ray Aguilera–it does not matter if any of these men stood before me and interceded.  The people must repent.  The people must turn aside from their sins for this is the last day my people.  This is the day of the book of Revelation.  I am coming soon.  I am coming soon, and I love you all.  I want you to look to me and pray to me, and seek me first always, and all other things will be added unto you.  I have much blessing for my faithful ones, so do not have any fear at these words, but have peace, and know that I will take you through all the difficult times that are ahead.  This is the morning to rejoice.  I love you all, and I am out.  Peace.

After I received this word from the Lord, the devil started pestering me to remove two words.  The words are Ray and Aguilera.  I felt very uncomfortable with it because he’s the only person on the list who’s not in heaven right now, and he’s the only non-Biblical person.  I was buying into the lie that I would be ridiculed and disbelieved, etc., etc…   But when I thought about it, or better the yet when the Holy Spirit walked me through it, I realized that my entire objection had to do with HOW I THOUGHT I WOULD BE PERCEIVED!  God warned me about not adding or removing a single word.  He also warned me that my problem was learning not to care about what other people think (or better yet, what the devil wants me to think other people think), and to simply share his word.  I’m just a messenger.

Later that day I heard a call in the Spirit.  I wasn’t in audible words, but I heard it strongly in my spirit-man.  “Who will stand side by side with my prophet and proclaim my judgment for San Francisco?   Who will go forth and bear witness?” I answered, “Lord, I will.”  It was then that I understood that real reason behind the prophecy.

When I understood this, I asked God for forgiveness for not wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with my brother.   I once called Ray Aguilera a prophet of doom and it is almost as if my penance has been to tell the world that I believe that he is a true prophet that speaks God’s words.  Not that the words shouldn’t be tested mind you.

This is not the first time that God had me mention the words of other prophets.  In April I received a prophecy where God used me to tell everyone that HIS WORDS as given to 4 specific prophets should be read.  He said that the list was partial, but that he chose the names carefully.  They are Dumitru Duduman, Bob Neumann, Thomas Gibson, and Ray Aguilera.

God made sure that I shared this word.  Before I received it, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I was about to receive a prophecy that he wanted me to record and share.  He said that when he gave me the signal, I was to record everything he spoke.  He told me that every word that I would receive was HIS, and that He wanted me to believe it before I prophesied.  There was a strong attack and my wife and I prayed in tongues—fighting tongues as I call it.  We prayed because the enemy came and tried to block the message.  Afterwards, God gave the signal.  I recorded and transcribed the words just as I received it.  I just want to say that I know of many prophets, and I’ve been around the internet, and that I do not believe that the Lord makes mistakes.  The list is partial, but the LORD JESUS CHRIST has his reasons…

Back to the prophecy I received on 7-23-2003.  I came under a strong attack of sickness at work later that day.  I even wanted to leave work, but I remembered the times in the past that this happened, so I stayed and fought.  After I repented of my reluctance to share the prophecy, the Lord spoke to me and healed me.  He said and I am quoting from memory, “If you feel any pain then I am not the Lord, but if you feel no pain that I am your Father, I am Jesus, and I am the Holy Spirit, and the word that you received is mine—every single word of it is mine.” I was relieved and I felt completely better.

I fight frequently not to seek the acceptance and the approval of others instead of God.  I am not perfect.  God once showed me a tickling tongue and a frog coming out of my mouth and he told me that it represented the tickling words of commentary that I would add to his revelation in order to please others.  I had to repent of that early on.   The choice has always been to seek my own gain and work for recognition and acceptance, or to seek to please Jesus. 

My battles are not just limited to his words of judgment, but also to things like the time that Jesus called me Dude to joke around with me.  He wanted me to share that testimony and I did.  I’m happy to do so because I hope that everyone who reads it will desire to grow closer to Jesus, but that doesn’t mean that the devil didn’t try to stop me from sharing it.   Satan told me that I would be seen as a fool.  Once again, it’s all about how I am perceived, which the Lord has told me to care nothing about.   I guess I’m led to share all of this so that you will learn from my weaknesses so that you will not struggle with the same temptations. 

If you read Amos 7 you will see how Amos intercedes successfully two times, but the third time God basically says enough is enough. 

Amos 7:1-9 (KJV) 
    Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me; and, behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth; and, lo, it was the latter growth after the king’s mowings. [2] And it came to pass, that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, then I said, O Lord God, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. [3] The Lord repented for this: It shall not be, saith the Lord.
    [4] Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me: and, behold, the Lord God called to contend by fire, and it devoured the great deep, and did eat up a part. [5] Then said I, O Lord God, cease, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. [6] The Lord repented for this: This also shall not be, saith the Lord God.
    [7] Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. [8] And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more: [9] And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste; and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword.
Amos 8:1-3 (KJV) 
    [8:1] Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me: and behold a basket of summer fruit. [2] And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the Lord unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. [3] And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, saith the Lord God: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.

In 1996 I had a vision of a basket of fruit.  It was one of my first visions.  The Holy Spirit then led me to Amos 8.  I knew way back then that the appointed time for judgment against the church had arrived, and that nothing would hold it back.  I shared the prophecy with someone and he told me that the last paragraph reminded him of Jeremiah 15.  Here it is:

Jeremiah 15:1-3 (KJV) 
    Then said the Lord unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth. [2] And it shall come to pass, if they say unto thee, Whither shall we go forth? then thou shalt tell them, Thus saith the Lord; Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the famine, to the famine; and such as are for the captivity, to the captivity. [3] And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the Lord: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy.

My Curtain Call

The heavens declare the Glory of God, the earth is filled with his Glory!  From the mouths of infants He has ordained praise.  Yes, even the rocks cry out!  A few months ago I was flipping through the channels.  A song was playing and a video was being shown by an American pop star named Pink.  The song was called “Family Portrait.”  I felt called by the Holy Spirit to listen to the song.  The Lord then ministered to me and opened my heart to understand his grief over the destruction of marriages through divorce.  Children suffer greatly.  The singer was mourning and expressing her personal grief over the divorce of her parents. 

I recognized that a rock was crying out.  America is a nation where the saying, “Marriages come and go, but friendships last forever,” can be heard.  The real reason for the decay of marriages in the US is a combination of the corrosion of American values as well as mounting satanic attacks.  The enemy has fought constantly against my marriage.  My wife and I are on constant guard.  So God used this woman to call attention to the suffering of divorce, but we as Christians have to continue the message.  The answer to preserving marriage is Jesus Christ.  Without Jesus Christ the devil has authority in our homes and marriages.

The power and glory of the Lord is displayed in the most unlikely places.  Or maybe they are not unlikely places.  Maybe I am biased by my own unconscious religious attitudes.  When the Lord unlocked the prophetic significance of the important events in my life, I became more attentive to the display of the Lord’s power all around me.  Take baseball for example.  In 2001 the Diamondbacks (snakes) beat the Yankees (America) in the World Series (for readers outside the US and Canada, the World Series is the baseball championship).  The Diamondbacks had an overpowering pitching one-two combination:  Randy Johnson (Sexual Immorality), and Curt Shilling (Money).  Randy Johnson’s nickname is the Big Unit.   I thought perhaps that I was over spiritualizing things, but then I had a vision…

Then in the following year the Angels overcame the Giants in 7 games after being down 5-nuth towards the end of the 6th game.  The Angels beat the Giants (demons) despite the offensive prowess of the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS star player, Barry “BONDS.”

“No, you didn’t Lord,” I said.

“Yes I did!”

Amen.  Amen.  Amen.

So what’s next?  What lies behind the curtain?  An unsaved friend of mine wrote a poem about 3 years back where he quoted in part the words, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”  The curtain, of course, is a reference to the curtain in the temple that was torn in two at the crucifixion of Jesus—when the law and the prophets were fulfilled.  It’s a reference to the third section of the temple, the Holy of Holies.  Now back to the poem.  There is a duality to the meaning of “What lies behind the curtain.”  This duality reflects the nature of my calling and the purpose of my work in the Lord.  When a puppet master is manipulating the puppets in a puppet show, we are told to suspend disbelief, to pay no attention to the man pulling strings behind the curtain.  My job is to say, “PAY ATTENTION to the man behind the curtain!”

Sometimes the show is so enthralling that we forget who’s behind the show.  Magicians rely on a trick called misdirection.  God once told me to be careful about the “shiny” words of “shiny” people with “shiny” suits in “shiny” buildings who drive “shiny” cars.  It’s all misdirection to get us to suspend our disbelief so that we will lose sight of the man behind the curtain leading us away from the TRUTH.

So what lies behind the curtain is an allusion to the revelation of the Seven Thunders.  Whether it’s a circus tent with two demon princes running a dog and pony show, or a wild west rodeo show as mentioned in chapter 5 of the book called 9, or a puppet master pulling strings behind a curtain, it all points to the same thing.   Selah.

The plot thickens.  God showed me a vision of the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.  The scarecrow was holding a diploma in his hand.  God showed me that he is a symbol of all those who seek the ordination of man and not God; they are all hay that will not survive the judgment fire.   It’s the wizard of Oz who gives the Scarecrow his diploma even though he doesn’t really need it.   The wizard, the man behind the curtain manipulating the machine of “Churchianity” (I borrowed that expression from the writings of the Roy Resh), is so bold and believes that his deception is so powerful, that he outright tells the Scarecrow that he doesn’t need anything from him.  Yet in his craftiness he still hands the scarecrow the diploma.

In this last day, the Lord of Hosts is exposing the false works of religion, but even though the masquerade should end, there will be those who say to the wizard, “Get back behind the curtain, and manipulate those gears and levers, so that we can once again stand in awe of the great and powerful Oz!”  They will seek to keep the religious machine running even though it has been clearly exposed as false.  These people have no excuse, and they have clearly chosen their “god.”  Come apart and be separate my brothers.

When I was first saved at 13, I read the Bible at face value, and sought the Lord earnestly.  I soon fell away.  My family told me not to take things too literally.  During this time, I received several powerful dreams where the Lord taught me basic Christian truths.  Jesus revealed himself to me in my dreams.   When I stopped seeking Him, the dreams also left.  Though he would call me, it wasn’t the same.

There is a false belief that the reason that God speaks to some people is because they are special, but this is not true.  Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  I know that if you seek Jesus, that if you seek the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness, that if you truly come to God, He will not hide from you, and he will reveal himself to you in a personal way.  It is not enough to read the Bible, or to read and believe the Rhema that is shared by true prophets.  This will not save you.  Who will be protected?  God has revealed to me in the prophecies that the faithful ones, who wear His robes of righteousness, who die to self daily, and put Jesus first in their lives will be as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and Daniel in the lion’s den.

To the 600, those who have been preparing for this hour in the wilderness, this is not news to you.  I am writing this for those who don’t know Jesus so that they will understand that He is willing to make Himself known to them in a personal way.

One last thing: my brother and I used to fight often as children, but when we got older, we put our fights behind us.  We must remember that we are all brethren, and that no disagreement should have the power to divide us or come against our love for each other.   My brother and I used to fight all the time, but I know that if we were faced with an outside threat, we would put aside our differences and lay down our lives for each other.  This is my hope and my dream for the Body of Christ.

God bless everyone.  May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you forever.


PS New Links

We know that since God does not change, he still calls and send apostles like Nathaniel and Matthew,  prophets like Agabus, evangelists like Apollos–who was able to prove to many using the Scripture that Jesus was the Christ–and teachers like Priscilla and Aquila, who met Apollos and taught him the Way more accurately.  The Lord wants me to share a few links along with this letter.  I just want to remind you that only the Bible is perfect, and that everything else must be tested by the Bible in the Spirit.  God told me to place a prophecy given to Thomas S Gibson here:

2003 07 19.1

Thus saith the Lord. There is a word that is given to you who listen
to the prophet: that is, be obedient not to man’s word, but to God’s
Word. Anything that contradicts the Word of God is simply wrong!
Therefore, know what all of the Bible says. Do not listen to anything
else which is contrary to it. Do not listen to even this prophet if
he says something contrary to God’s Word.

Listen and know that God has always been the same. Many will come and say we have heard from God, but say a word that contradicts the
Bible. Do not listen to such. God is never wrong. I have never
changed and will never change.

Power comes only through seeking Jesus, and fasting and prayer. Those
who seek power do so at their peril, for I never commanded you to
seek power, but rather to seek Me and you will find power; for power
comes only through the Lord Jesus. So says the Word.

The following links will also be added to my links page.

[Site Curator’s note 2/12/2023: Both links are no longer active, but I have left them in because it was included in the original word that I posted in 2003]

The Prophetic Writings of Holly L Moody:

The last message called “Defiling Topeth… The Apostles are coming” is one of the strongest confirmations of the message, “The time of the types is at and end.  The church must come to order.” I have not read through all 100 days, but what I have read has really been a blessing.  All of the words of the books are prophecy AND it is all for free!

I copied this from the Preface on the website:

I was born in 1941 and born again in 1978.  I have been filled with the Holy Spirit of Jesus since 1982.  I love the Lord and try to obey Him. In the summer of 1990,  while having devotion, I had a tape recorder to prove some scriptures.  I would speak in tongues then ask my Father in Jesus’ name to interpret it for me.  Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:15,  “I will pray with the spirit and pray with the understanding also.”  Since God is not a respecter of persons I knew I could do that to.  What came out of my mouth changed my life.  The Holy Spirit of Jesus said,  “Just open your mouth as you do to speak in tongues and I will give you something to say, I am the Messiah and I operate in faith.”  Then for about 70 mornings, He taught me on tape for about 23 hours in the first person in English.  At the end of this teachings, He told me,  “My teachings will cease as of this morning. They will cease until you obey what I have told you in the future what to do. Study my word and listen to these tapes. Listen to my teachings.  I will return.  I will return and teach you when you are ready.”

This happened on May 9, 1999.

BOOK TWO is the completion of His teachings.  In the teachings is a warning for America.  Please believe it and prepare.  Since this is a prophesy there is no date,  so if it doesn’t happen in the time frame that you believe it should happen, please keep preparing — keep renewing your food and water supply and keep drawing closer to our Lord.  He will see us through when we obey Him and honor Him.   I love you.
His Servant.

Up Next: Times Square Anointing: One Year Later