Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
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An Invitation To Join Me in Prayer at Times Square
[Site Curator’s note 2/9/2023: In 2003, the Lord sent me on a trip to NYC to anoint Times Square. The anointing of Times Square occurred right on schedule mere feet away from the Naked Cowboy and we prayed there and at Union Square just as the Lord directed us. At noon at Times Square, at the Lord’s command, I read Revelation chapter 18. After verse 6, I poured out the anointing oil, and then finished reading the chapter. The full testimony is shared in “Time Square Anointing: One Year Later,”]
The Lord is sending me on a trip to New York City to anoint Times Square with oil. This will take place on Tuesday, May 27th at 12:00PM. The exact location that I am to anoint is on 45th street between Broadway and 7th Ave. All those who are interested in attending can just show up. I will be dressing very casual at the Lord’s instructions (possibly jeans and a T-shirt–I’ll most likely look like a tourist on vacation). If you are interested in attending and would like to confirm ahead of time, send an email to:
[email protected]
After I finish anointing Times Square, I am to go to 14th Street Union Square to take communion. All are likewise invited to attend. The purpose for my trip to Times Square is to pray for a spirit of repentance for the United States of America. At 14th St Union Square Park, I am to pray for unity in the Body of Christ. If you understand the times and seasons and you feel the call to attend, please do so. Otherwise, I ask that you join me in prayer for a spirit of repentance, and unity in the Body of Christ.
The Lord wants me to give a little background on how I received the call to go on this trip. This testimony is similar to the extra bonus material found on DVDs. Part of my calling is to testify to other about how God taught me how to prophecy, which is an utterance in the Spirit in a known language.
About a year and a half ago while I was praying in tongues, I suddenly spoke the word “may.” My wife and I both sensed that this was not just an utterance in tongues that sounds like a word. The Holy Spirit testified strongly that it was a word of prophecy. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but I did keep an eye out for the prophecy to be fulfilled in some way last May. At the beginning of this year, as the Lord was beginning to give me prophecies, I would occasionally prophesy the word may. Then one day God said something like, “In case you don’t understand, I am saying the month of May.”
Some time passed and God told me to buy olive oil. After I purchased the oil God told me that he wanted me to go to New York and anoint Times Square in May. I now understood that this is why he gave me the prophecy of May. Days later, God told me to go on Tuesday. He did not tell me which Tuesday, but I arranged to go to New York during the last week of May as it was the most convenient time for me. He also told me to anoint Times Square at noon. Then he told me to buy a new watch and that I am to wear my new watch when I anoint Times Square. I bought the new watch a few days ago, but I still don’t know why I’m supposed to wear a new watch.
God even told me the location that he wanted me to anoint. During prayer I would prophesy the numbers 4 and 5 over and over again. After a few days God told me that he wanted me to go to 45th St and anoint the ground there. He told me to do it at 7th Ave. and Broadway. 7th Ave and Broadway intersect at Times Square.
There is a prophetic significance to the location that God chose. 45 is 4+5 or 9, which is the number of judgment. 7th Ave. and Broadway intersect at Times Square. Times Square represents the crossroad between the Broad Way to destruction, and the Narrow Way to Life (7th Ave.). I did not realize until recently that May 27th is my brothers 3 year marriage anniversary (he will be in attendance) and the day that marks the 7th anniversary of the time my wife first called me on the phone. We talked for an hour and we were engaged less than three months later. It is also the day where my daughter turns exactly 45 months old.
For those of you who are not familiar with the prophecies that God has given me, God has revealed to me that there is going to be another successful terrorist attack on the United States. This attack is permitted to succeed in part in order to stir the leaders in the churches to call for true repentance. This repentance has not been forthcoming. God has given me two revelations to help me understand his will for America and the church in America. He told me to share it with everyone when I make the announcement of the trip to Times Square. He did not want me to sell a false bill of goods. He wants everyone to know where I come from and what I stand for before they make the decision to join me. He does not want me to lead people to join me under false pretenses.
1. God has revealed to me that America has been like an unfaithful husband who brings gifts and flowers to his wife to comfort her. Some women tolerate their husbands infidelity as long as he is a good provider, takes care of her needs, and is a good father. God is a jealous God and we will not tolerate anything but complete fidelity. God told me that America tries to bribe him with gifts. He told me to share with you that he sees the recent days of national prayer as an attempt to appease him in the same way that a man may try to appease his wife with flowers or candy. He says this because it was not accompanied by true repentance. God told me that he does not delight in this sacrifice, and that he wants obedience, and faithfulness. He does not want to be honored with our lips, He wants us to repent of our sins and obey his commands.
2. Over the course of several days the Lord would give me the number 14. This of course refers to the prayer and communion at 14th St. Union Square Park that will follow the anointing of Times Square. It also refers to the state of America at this hour. After many days of speaking the number 14 I sensed in the Spirit to read Isaiah 14. I then sensed to read Isaiah 14:14, Jeremiah 14:14, and Ezekiel 14:14. He gave me a word for each verse and he wants me to include it here:
Isaiah 14:14 (ESV)
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’
This is the sin of America in a nutshell.
Jeremiah 14:14 (ESV)
And the Lord said to me: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.
Many false prophets are preaching the old message of peace and safety when there is none.
Ezekiel 14:14 (ESV)
even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness, declares the Lord God.
God has delayed his judgments in the past, but now only repentance can save America. It is not enough to intercede and asked for mercy, for God is bringing his judgments. Only repentance at an individual level will hold back his hand of judgment.
Why a spirit of repentance?
God revealed to me that the next successful terrorist attack will cause much fear. Satan knows that God is going to permit another one to slip through the defenses, and he is preparing a massive army to attack America with fear. Fear does not lead to repentance. Godly sorrow leads to repentance. Being convicted of our sins by the Holy Spirit leads to repentance. As God told me, repentance leads people to the mountain of the Lord, which is Jesus Christ. Fear will lead people to ask for the mountains–that is the false gods or idols–to cover them. In fear, the people will try to assuage their fears with drugs, alcohol and other distracting pleasures. They will seek out soothsayers that will tell them that all is well. Fear does not lead to repentance, but only draws people further away from God. For this reason we are to pray for repentance at an individual level, and we are also to launch a preemptive attack in the name of Jesus against the army of fear that is poised to strike America.
God bless you.