Old Dog IV

Back to: To Sing in the Storm

Every Word

MY son, what more can I do for them? I gave them Covenant after Covenant. The Last was sealed by the Blood of MY LAMB. What more could I give; what more could I do? Presently there are many running to and fro across you land “Looking For” many things. Some hunt for a “MOVE”, but never see MY HAND protecting them. Some thirst for a “FLOW”, but never drink of what I offer them. Some hunger for some “MEAT”, but will never feast on MY WORD. Some go “BEGGING” for a WORD…ANY WORD….from any man, but will never take time to wait in MY PRESENCE and to listen for MY VOICE.

So I ask again what more must I do for these rebellious children who make so much noise; yet will not listen. From the largest to the least all are given equally all the Gifts and Blessings and Favor that I have to bestow on MY LITTLE ONES. Yet so many lack where they should have plenty. Grace and Mercy I give to those who ask, but Wisdom and Discernment must be sought out.

Son, what is the greatest lie presently assaulting MY PEOPLE? YES, son, there are many. At least one for every TRUTH in MY WORD. But the greatest spawns all the others.

The Greatest Lie is still the First; when the enemy says to you “Didn’t GOD say….”. And man adds to or takes away from MY WORD. All the enemy’s lies begin that way and because many of MY SHEEP may hear MY VOICE but do not study MY WORD they will be deceived.

And is it not written; “study to show yourselves approved…”. Here son is the root of this iniquity. Many of the shepherds and watchmen MY PEOPLE have chosen for themselves have taught MY LITTLE ONES that your ‘walk’ with ME begins at the cross. IN TRUTH IT REALLY ENDS THERE. That is why MY SON said to pick up YOUR Cross and to follow HIM.

Children, the one thing “you lack” is what keeps you from ME. And that is “Being SELFLESS”. Salvation begins at the Cross for Grace and Mercy flow to you from THE BLOOD of MY LAMB. But it is your cross that is your stumbling block.

Is also not written that you must be crucified with CHRIST so that you may live? Each time you fail to pick up your cross first and then follow MY SON, you will stumble, you will fall, and you will listen to the deceiver. Your shepherds and your watchmen entertain more than they teach. That is because they feel the need to appease you over obeying ME. And popular in their repertoire are the “MYSTERIES” of GOD.

What MYSTERIES? Did I not say to come to ME and I will show you things you know not of? Did I not say that all that is whispered in the Darkness will be shouted out in the LIGHT? Your teachers betray you when they serve themselves and not ME. They teach the easy and the comfortable according to their eyes and put aside MY COUNCIL and MY WORD. And when I send a servant to speak MY WORD in Season they may listen, but how often have they headed MY Warnings. Just as the enemy know MY VOICE and cringes, so to do the wolves within the sheepfold.

Even in the midst of Babylon did MY Prophets speak to MY PEOPLE. Daniel had read and studied so when the Time of Restoration was near he cried out to ME in Knowledge. Trusting that I and MY WORD would be accomplished in the appointed time he interceded and repented for the sins of his people.

Ezekiel spoke repeatedly to MY PEOPLE of MY COMING JUDGMENT, but they would not take heed. Did not Isaiah say that MY children, in the midst of their rebellion say to MY SEERS; “see not!”.? And to MY PROPHETS ; ”speak not! for we do not wish to be confronted with the HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL”.?

Son, is it any different today? Did I not say perilous times would come? Did I not say that Love would grow cold and evil wax worse? Did I not say that there would be a time when they shall call Good evil, and Evil good? LIGHT darkness, and DARKNESS light? So often your teachers and shepherds teach in part to deceive, but often it is because they know not MY TRUTH, MY WORD. Yet they speak of themselves as men of the spirit and men of the word. Unless they repent and seek ME they will surely one day call out to ME, “LORD, LORD…”.



GOD”.? YES, children; “EVERY WORD”…! Not some words! Not the few words that tickle you ears or ease your minds and spirits that refuse the conviction of the MOST HOLY SPIRIT.

Like Paul said to the Galatians; “Who has deceived you?”. Why are MY CHILDREN foolish? Why do they cling to childish ways? Because the wolves have told them lies. But let ME speak to those who seek Wisdom. Listen as eagerly to MY DARK SAYINGS as eagerly as those you perceives Light. You have surrendered so much to the enemy that you have so little ground left to make a stand on. The wolves have joined the false shepherds to silence the Servants I have sent.

But soon now not only will I shake all the mountains and hills but I will cast down all that is not of ME. I do not speak of years, but in days and weeks. All ready the tremors have begun all around you.

Listen Children. I created both Day and Night and they are GOOD AND PERFECT in MY HANDS. Light and Darkness are Mine. MY GREATEST Victories on your behalf occurred in the NIGHT, in the DARKNESS. So why do you fear darkness? Only one little darkness I created to deposit the enemy into.

And did not MY SON say that the GATES of HELL would not prevail against those of you I have called out of Darkness? Oh Children; so many of you would not shine while you had the day around you. Now that the Night has come you must shine. And the level of your luminescence increases two ways. More of ME in you, or the greater the Darkness is that surrounds you. I will have both, but only one would please ME. YET I WILL EXALT MYSELF EITHER WAY.

Up Next: Call it a Dream