Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1994 07 16.1
Oh, that I would have the heart that longs for My will and My power, says the Lord. The hearts of the christian today just look for an easy way to heaven, not for My will! If I could see a nation totally dedicated to My will, to My being, to My desire: what I could do for them! It’s not that I do not do miracles, healing, or for that matter signs and wonders, but that I can only find a few that are dedicated to Me enough that I can move through them to the end of miracles, signs and wonders. If I could do––through those who call My name, those who call themselves Christian, even among those that call themselves born again, or that call themselves Spirit filled––the things that I would like to be able to do, then this world would reel and shake from the awesome power of the Lord of Host!!
Today so many people are interested in themselves. Those that do this––the will of My father––are the ones that are chosen to move in this world with My Word! Those that do not the will of My father must do the repentance of their evil deeds if they wish to walk before Me in power and truth!
Oh, that those who have chosen My ways would wake up and see the conditions of their hearts, that they are being filled with evil desires from satan himself; that he has moved through the earth with desires that are not holy, not righteous, not the ways of God, and slowly he has worked at filling the hearts of christian––those truly born again, those that desire the work of My father which is in heaven, those that work the will of My father in heaven, those that work the signs and miracles––with evil desires that are bringing them––the christians, the ones who walk uprightly––into a place of evil and a place of longsuffering from the will of My father, which they ought to walk in!!
Now the time has come when I am calling My people back to their original ways in which they once walked, in which they once lived, that they would now return to the ways of My father that I might do holiness though them the way I once did. And not only that I might work again through them as I once did, but that I might walk in the end times with them to the signs and miracles of these times! Yes, the end times have greater signs and miracles than the former times!