Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1994 07 16.1

1994 10 01.1

For I am your God and I am changing the way things are in My body. I am no longer supporting those individuals who will not repent and confess their sins!! I will remove those individuals from My Body and find those who will make a total commitment to Me.

Therefore, you will find that in the coming years, I will be allowing those opposed to the church to come and attack the things I have set up. Those who are standing on the foundation of The Rock Christ Jesus will withstand the force of this persecution. Those who are standing for religion and church form will fall!!

I can not any longer stand the sin that is present in the church!! I will not put up with the evil that is done in My name!! Therefore there will be persecutions! There are those that will say that the persecution comes from the devil, but no, I have sent it by allowing demons, formerly held back by My angels, to now move more freely to persecute My church to see who is holy and who is worldly!

I will no longer support those who will not repent. Therefore, repent and turn to the Lord in a complete way so that I can bless you and turn your troubles to blessings and prosperity!

For I do not wish My people to suffer from sickness or any evil of this world. That is not My will! Therefore I came and died––took stripes for healing that you may be healed! But My people are not walking according to the Spirit, but according to the flesh. You cannot reap the rewards of the Spirit in the flesh. It does not work!!

There are so many people searching for an answer to life, to The Answer, Jesus, that cannot find it because the church, My church will not walk in My ways!! I will not tolerate this any longer.

Do you think those in the past who have had their sins exposed to the world happened because of coincidence, or because satan got lucky? No! I allowed this to take place. I even worked at it so that it would take place! It is My desire to see all of My church in holiness so that the world will see the answer to life in My body, the church!

No longer will there be any lack of glory, caused by flesh and sin, but rather a joyous power of the Holy Spirit in My church!

Now listen and let yourselves observe the order of the Lord. I do not these things to destroy My church, but to purged it from sin and worldliness, which is its destruction! Then shall I have a glorious church, says the Lord!

So as you see the sins purged from the church, do not change your attitude to the ways of the Lord. They are perfect! They will result in the glory of God!! So you see that the ways of God are not past finding out to those that walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh. As I said in the book of Romans, in the eleventh chapter, that My ways are unfathomable, but here I show you My ways before it has come to pass.

Now in the days that are to come many will say that the time of destruction has arisen, or that the time of persecution has come, but no, this is for yet a far off time as measured in years. There will be a beginning of these things at this time, but the fullness of the persecution will come only after many years and will be so strong that those who doubt or play religious games will not be able to stand. Only those who walk FULLY in the Spirit will stand and be whole.

Up Next: 1994 10 05.1