Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1995 10 23.1

1995 10 23.2

This, the word of God, has come to the world that it might be saved and delivered from their evil way, but My people, My church, has become so solemn in their disobedience to Me that I can no longer work through most of them. This is why I have become so mad at them, who claim to be with Me, (but will quench, most of the time, the Spirit in them), because they do not want to do what I say––they will become embarrassed and foolish-looking to their friends. They have spoken in their heart, their friends are of this world, and I have not been allowed to be their friend: so I will depart from them!

Now I say to you, My people, who will listen to Me, I want to speak to you, through you, and with you. I want to go and bless you, but you must do the bidding of the Spirit of the Lord God of all. You must do what I wish, what I tell you to do. I have your best interests at heart, not your worst. I have the best for this world at heart, if you would only repent and stop being so selfish with your salvation, and prideful about your status in this world!!! The only status that counts is the one that occurs at the judgment seat of Christ.

You have not been obedient to Me, says the Lord, you have not wanted to do My will. What is that to Me? It is evil!! You who want to serve Me will do My will. I said in My Word that you who do the will of My Father are My children. You who do not the will of the Father, you are evil!!!!

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