Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1995 11 20.1
This is the word of God for those who think they can serve Me, the Lord of Heaven, without giving up anything of this earth. I am first! You shall have no other gods before Me: no gods of satan, no gods of earth, no gods of the ways of men, no gods of the ways of this planet which no longer walks after the ways of God but after the flesh! I am the only God of Heaven, the only God which is in power. Satan, the deceiver, is not a god, he is an impostor! He seeks to destroy the earth and every thing that came forth from the Lord.
Those who repent and give up this earthly life for the things of the Lord will in every way be given blessings, here, now in this life, and in the life to come: peace, power, and the holy ways of God, which will never be forgotten in any age. They shall last forever and ever. They will be a blessing far beyond anything that is known in this earth.
If you could see and understand the ways of the Lord, you would immediately drop everything you had done up till now in this life and start serving the One who can, and does, control all things.
I am the healer. I am the way. I am the holiness of all. I am the things that count. No one else is important. Those who will repent and serve Me, the Lord God, will be with Me in My kingdom forever. Those who will not repent and serve Me will never walk in My kingdom, but be banished to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire.
Repent! Know and believe, that the Lord Jesus came and willingly sent himself to the cross so that His blood would wash all sin away, and give you life eternal with Me.
So now, here and obey this word of the Lord. Know that I am the One who you shall listen to, and not the world. Never care what anyone but God thinks. I am the one who will judge all things, not you or anyone on the earth. So quit listening to the ways of the world––not only the ways of the world, but the ways some of the world think I have said. Look in My Word, the Word of God, and know what I have said. I wrote all of the sixty-six books to tell you what is in My heart, what is right, what is not correct, what is the ways of the world, what is the ways of the Lord God of Heaven!
Now as you grow up in Me, listen to the word in your own heart that I will reveal after that you have repented and started a service to Me. Listen, I am there in you, guiding your heart to the things of the Word of the Lord, and not to the things of the world. I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth!