Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1996 04 08.1

1996 04 08.2

So you are now seeing from the prophecies that I am bringing about, that the Lord will bring more judgment to the earth than has ever before been.

But I have not a heart for judgments, nor for wrath. Its not in My heart to seek those things which shall hurt you, or anyone, but rather it’s in My heart to bring about a serving, faithful, more gracious loving Spirit, in all peoples! My heart is to turn them from evil, not to hurt or destroy any of them! I want this to be a time of repentance, revival, strength, but they will not!!! So you see I have turned to this way for a holy reason, not only to bring about My people, My strength, My hearts, My christians, here, now in this earth; but people who want no more of Me than their little faith can handle. I want you to have all faith!!! Not some faith, all faith!!!!

When was the last time you spent an hour with Me, the last time you sent a weekend with Me. Are you so hard up for time you can’t spend it with Me? Are you so hard up for the things of this earth you will not spend time with Me? I want you!! I want you!! I want you!! Why do you not come to Me. I love you!! I love you!! I love you!! Please come to Me. Come to your own, dear, loving God!! I want to protect you, to bless you, to bless you with more faith than you have ever known!!

I will not destroy, but build up My own!! I will build you as you come to Me. Fast!! before the Lord God of heaven! I did––in this earth’s evil time––when I was on this earth. I did, when I did not have any time for it. I would spend a day with My Word, speaking it to the people––and spend all night with My Father! I could not go long without Him! Why do you think you can? Why? I ask you why? You don’t know how many, many, many, many, many, times I could have saved you heartaches, saved you turmoil in your lives, saved you time, saved you money, that you could have used for things of Me, not things of you. Please spend time with Me. I will not hold back from you. I will not hold back. I will not hold back. I will be a Father to you!!

Must you always come to Me when you are in need. How do you think you got in need. You went without Me!! You must never go without Me. Listen to My servants, who have provided the Word of the Lord to you. Why do you think I put them through what I do? To teach them servant like attitudes! To teach them to serve, to teach them to serve, to teach them to serve! For I will turn and reward them far beyond anything that you or they could ever imagine on this earth!!

So now turn and repent for your time not spent with Me. I know that as you begin this journey toward the Lord your God, that you will turn and see yourself as never before, for I will change the very hearts desire within you!!

Up Next: 1996 05 09.1