Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1996 08 26.1
For I am the true God, a God of life, liberty, and holiness, and happiness for all those that repent, serve Me, live for Me, and do My will that I call them to do. I am not a God of wrath to those people.
But I surely am a God of wrath to those who will not repent, to those who reject Me, to those who reject My Jesus who shed His Blood for your sins. To them I am a God of wrath and I will destroy them and everything around them. For they have rejected Me and I therefore will judge them wrathfully, totally, completely on the day of judgment. They will be sent to the pit for ever and ever and ever.