Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1996 11 03.1

1996 11 03.2

Now this is what the Lord reveals: many of you are scared of the coming times, the evil that will persist, the times of wrath, judgment on all. These things you fear.

No!!! Do not fear that. Fear the Lord God whom you serve! I am able to protect you from all things, not the god of this earth, or any of the other evil powers that be. This is a fact: you must fear the Lord. For He is able to protect you from all things whatsoever they may be.

For in this time of evil there shall be great wrath and judgment of the Lord on this planet. But you, My children, shall be protected from it if you fear My ways, that is, to learn to obey and know that I am a fearful God that will judge all those who rebel against Me.

Up Next: 1996 11 09.1