Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1996 12 14.1

1996 12 24.1

This is what the Lord God has to say:

For listen to the things of the King, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. I know what is best for you. Listen to the words of the Lord God. I have all things under control. For those of you who fear what is about to happen in the world, fear not. If you serve Me, you walk in the blessings, you walk NOT in the curse. For those who walk with Me will walk under the words of the living God, under the protection of the living God.

But those who walk in the world: they walk in the curse, they are open to everything that happens, and they will be in trouble! For the days to come there shall be great, great changes, not only in the weather patterns, problems of the earth with money, with finances––there will be many, many more problems than this. Social things will turn upside down. Violence and crime shall escalate. There will be places people do not want to live. They will try to move, simply because of the violence in the streets, and the riots, and the problems that will come when the earth’s system comes crashing down.

For hear Me, says the Lord. Those of My people will not be affected if they will follow after the things of the Lord. Do not follow after the things of the world! Do not put your heart on the things of the world!! For what are the things of the world to you? You do not need all the things of the world that they lust after, and they seek after. You need the protection of the living God.

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