Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1996 12 24.2
For this is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords speaking to you.
I would say in this day, pack not up your bags and run and flee to the mountains as many prophets, or so called prophets, have spoken to you. Do not run
For I am your protection, and I am your God. Rather, listen to the word of God, and listen to the Spirit within you, the Spirit of the living God. Know what that Spirit will prompt you to do, and guide you to do, what it will tell you to do. Listen to it! For that Spirit will guide you in all the things you need to do in the coming days, in the coming years, to not only prepare for what is the coming in terms of disasters of this world, in terms of the ways of the world that will crash.
But do not be concerned about that, but rather, put your concern and your desire to listen to the Spirit of God, and listen carefully, and follow what the Spirit would guide you, would tell you, would pronounce to you, that you must do. And if you will follow that, you’ll find yourselves prepared for what is to come long before that actually occurs. And while the world panics, you’ll be prepared and you’ll sail right through walking in the prosperity and the blessings of God, and NOT in the panic and the fear of men.