Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1997 03 01.1
Now this is what the Lord says to all who will listen to the Spirit of the living God.
This is My word. I will take the gods and goddesses of this world, who the world loves and worships, the things, the objects that they take hold of instead of Me, and I shall turn them against them so that their gods and goddesses that they worship, is now, soon to be, turning against them to destroy them, and they shall have no other god but the God of heaven and the God of earth.
Understand this, that in heaven and earth there are spiritual rules and spiritual laws. Under no conditions do I take My spiritual laws and break them. I will never break My laws. I have set them in motion and they shall always be. Therefore sin MUST BE JUDGED. It cannot be left aside, left alone, left to be forgotten. Unless it is washed away by the blood of My Son, there is no remission for sins. I will judge them. Sin that is taken care of by the blood is gone and I will never remember.