Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 07 16.1

1997 08 03.1

There is a new breed of prophets and ministers coming, says the Lord. And indeed they are here now––however, there will be much more in the coming days. There will be many more of them, a breed that I have raised up.

This breed is not of the world. They do not seek after a glorious ministry with a big name, and money in their pockets, and a glorious vision to the world, (that they will look good to the world). But rather they are interested in being humble. They are interested in being profitable to the master, Jesus. They are interested in being in the work that God has called them to do.

This is the ministry that I am calling in this hour. Listen, and heed it. Note it. You will see them, and they are part of My body. And the ministers that you see so prominent; many of them have gone their own way. Many of them are not walking in the ways that I have called them. Many of them are turning aside after the things of the world, and indeed I am giving them up––some of them––and others I am chastising, trying to get them back into the will that I have called them to do.

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