Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1997 08 30.1
For this is the will of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Listen to His Spirit. Listen to His words. Listen to His might. This is a time of standing true for the King of Kings. Listen and know the word of the Lord.
In the years and days to come, much trouble will be received upon this world. HOWEVER, we are not of this world. We may be in it, but you are not to be part of this earth’s system.
Now know this, that the word of the Lord has not been brought forth for you to take light of, but to make strong recommendations upon your life. You should live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Living God.