Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 09 14.1

1997 09 15.1

For I am the King, says the Lord, and I am above all. Do not listen to falseness. You will find it everywhere and in disguise as truth.

Listen to this word. Listen carefully to this word. There is a falseness disguised as truth.

Satan goes about seeking to look as a spirit of light. He is a false spirit. You shall know the false by the word of God, and by the Spirit of God. If you will be led by the Spirit of God in everything you do, you will be at a place in your life where satan cannot move you.

Yet if you go by your own understanding, satan shall fool you, and satan shall utterly destroy you in everything you do, because he will be able to deceive you at will. Your own understanding cannot reach the depths of the understanding of God.

But if you will listen to the Spirit of God in everything you do––become habitually listening to the Spirit at all times––then you will listen and know the truth, and you will receive and realize error. Even though you do not know what is wrong with it, you will know something is wrong with it, and you will know enough to stay away from it.

So heed this word. Walk in the ways of the Spirit of the living God.

Up Next: 1997 09 22.1