Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1997 11 13.1

1997 11 16.1

Hear the Word of the Lord. Hear it. Listen, learn, and follow what the Lord reveals to His servants.

Coming is the time, near is the time, and soon shall be when the economy shall completely collapse. It will not come totally at once. First there’ll be some problems, then there’ll be a crash, and so forth.

But don’t expect you to live through this without My power. It is coming, because I have stated it, as I have willed it. Do not pray against it. Pray for it. For those who base their finances on the kingdom of this world: they shall fall, and fall big time.

Many of My people: they have not sought the things of the spiritual things, the things of the spiritual items that I can give, but they have rather sought, rather they have much sought the will of man and they will fall with it.

If they would seek the things of God, I would prepare a way where they would go through this with every single need met, but they will not do that. Their hearts are not turned toward Me, but rather they are turned toward the finances of this world. It is because of that, that they will fall with this crash.

So listen and obey. Learn the word of God. Learn it. Learn it. Learn to obey the Word. Listen to it carefully.

Listen, there is a time coming when everything in this world will not work the way it has. Everything!

Slowly, but surely, every part of this earth will be judged by Me. And those who have put their faith in the things of the earth will fall with the things of the earth. But those who have put their faith in Me, says the Lord, they will rise above it. They shall be a shelter in the time of storm, even for others. And they will walk, and they will not be bothered by it. So what if there is rubble to the left and rubble to the right, they will walk on the straight and narrow of the Word of the living God.

Up Next: 1997 11 23.1