Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 01 02.2

1998 01 05.1

Now, says the Lord, as you look forward to a new year with new dreams and new hopes, listen, make sure your heart is directed to the things of God, not to your own personal agenda. For I have an agenda too. And it is the most important agenda you can ever have.

Listen to it. I direct My people. And I am calling My people to preach My Word. We are getting close to the beginnings of serious, serious judgment coming upon the United States of America.

As it comes, it will come in waves. There’ll be first some, and then there will be more. And each wave will be more deadly than the last wave. Each wave will push the judgment a little bit farther.

Do not be dismayed at this. For it is this judgment, and these coming judgments, that shall bring about a repentance in many peoples hearts, a humility to humble themselves––serve their creator.

Do not despise such judgments. Look forward to them. For if you would serve Me, you could be the greatest tool in the coming revival that will spring forth from the wrath and the judgment that shall come on the United States and on much of the rest of the world, says the Lord God.

Up Next: 1998 01 10.1