Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 01 30.1

1998 02 07.1

There is a voice that speaks to the world to its detriment, a voice that speaks to the world to deceive, and a voice that speaks to the world to depart from the common sense of the Spirit of the Living God. That voice has deceived the world into thinking it can solve its own problems, into thinking it can solve its own finances.

I say unto you, says the Lord, there is no other voice to listen to than the voice of the Spirit of the Living God. Hear no other voice.

Hear the word and know the word, for this is the word. There is a judgment coming upon the church, there is a judgment that is coming on the world. And both shall occur as I have stated it.

Make no mistake. Few, very few are prepared for the judgment that is to come. Few, very few are prepare for the depression that is to take place in the very near future. Hear the word, know the word. Be part of the answer, not the problem. The answer is to listen to the Spirit of the Word, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the Father. Listen and know what He tells you to do, and do it. And allow Him to prepare you for what is to come. So says the will of the Lord.

Up Next: 1998 02 08.1