Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
1998 04 10.1
Thus says the Lord, hear the word, know the word. I am the word, says the Lord, I am the word. Hear the word, know the word. Believe the word, understand the word. Go with the word of the Living God.
Hear not the words of man, for they are strange unto Me, and they are evil. For the word of God is the only true Holy Word. Hear that word and understand that word.
There is a time coming soon when you shall see prophecies that have been told, and heard, and repeated, from time and times past; they shall come upon you, and you shall see them come to pass. There shall be hard times in this earth, great and hard times. For there shall be great times in My Spirit as revival like never before breaks out, and I shall move heaven and earth, and My people shall walk like they have never walked, together, in the Spirit of God. There shall be miracles like never before.
But at this time, there shall rise up a persecution like never before. My prophets that have prophesied in My Name shall be persecuted. They shall be persecuted, and they shall be put in jail, and they shall be done to by the evil one, and they shall be treated harshly for My Names sake. They shall be killed for My Names sake. They shall be turned aside, not treated nicely, but thrown away, pushed aside, not dealt with nicely by the world. But rather they shall be dealt with harshly by the world.
There is a great price to pay for the prophets that I have called! A great price to pay! A great price to pay! And so it shall be in the days to come.
There shall come a time when there is no word of the Living God to hold back the work of the devil. For My people shall be persecuted, and chased from one end of this earth to the other. And no, they shall not be able to own houses, or places to do business in a normal way. There shall be persecution like there has never been before. These days are coming.
Let those who have trusted in My Name, have looked upon Me, have been true to the word of God––they have nothing to fear. Those who repent and turn to Me have nothing to fear. For I am with you even unto the end of the world.
For until My coming there shall be great persecution. It is just barely beginning in this earth. But it is coming, and as it comes, it shall come slowly at times. Sometimes with a ferocity, and a quickness in certain ways. And sometimes it will come slowly. It will not be all at once.
You’ll see suddenness in this way: there will come a persecution against you, almost out of nowhere. Suddenly they shall be rising up and saying, “who is this person, and what have they said. They are telling lies and deceiving. It is them that are causing so much trouble.”
And like Nazi Germany who persecuted the Jews for no real reason at all, so this shall be in this day, they shall rise against My christians, and they shall persecute them for no real reason at all.
Make no mistake, I am with you unto the end of the world. I am with you unto the end of the world.
Be not dismayed at this word. For if you will put your faith in the power of God, I’ll bring you through. Like Daniel was brought to the lions den, I will bring you through. But if you put your faith in the things of men, you will fall and fall hard. But if you repent, then I will raise you back up again.
So put your faith in Me. Keep putting it in the word of the Living God. I’ll be with you. And like Daniel sat in the midst of the lions, so that you shall sit in the midst of persecution AND NOT BE HARMED!
For this is the will of the Lord, that they will rise up against you and be unable to harm you for the power of God that shall be upon you! And it shall be a sign unto them, and unto the world, THAT GREAT IS THE GOD OF ISRAEL, great is the God of the universe, great is the God of ALL CREATION! Nothing shall be harmed that He says is protected.
The power of God shall reign over all. You have no concept of the miracles, the powers that shall be attained in the Spirit at that time.
But put your faith in Me and you shall walk in it, says the Lord, you shall walk in it.