Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 05 31.1

1998 06 15.1

These days that you are now in, these days that you are now in, these days that you are now in, are the beginnings of the wrath of God coming on this earth.

Never mistake the times that you have been in, which have been so good in terms of the world around you––they are at an end. The time is short till things start to turn away from the worldliness that has been so successful.

You’ll begin to see the things of this world crumble, some fast, some slow, and some not at all for a while, but they will. It is at this time you must make a commitment to the God of all God’s, to the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords, to the ruler of the universe. You must make a commitment not to live according to the things of this earth. For the things of this earth shall pass, and the things of heaven shall never fail. Put your faith, your rewards, your treasure, your time to the things of heaven. They shall never fail. They shall never fail.

Remember this: the time is at hand to make a decision of what you consider the most important. To turn from the world and unto the Lord is the most important decision you can ever make.

To stand fast with the world and pretend all is well will destroy much of your prosperity in the future. For you’ll have put your treasure in the things of earth, (and not in heaven), and they shall pass, and they shall cease, and they shall come to an end.

There is a time to stand up for the word of God, that is always the time to stand up for the word of God. But now is the time that you must make a special decision: to make sure you are not being pulled by the world, you’re not being pulled by the world, you’re not being pulled by the world, to put your money into their investments, to put your money into things of this earth, because they say you shall reap the reward.

While I say, says the Lord, you shall reap damnation if you put your money into the things of this earth. For they shall come to an end, and I shall bring it to an end.

Time is now short, and I shall bring fast upon this earth, judgment, first one thing, and then another. Those who have put their trust in Me, they shall walk with Me. Those who put their trust in Me, they shall be with Me. And those who have put their trust in Me, they shall be rewarded.

But those who have put their trust in this earth, they shall reap the damnation, because they have failed to yield to the God of the universe, but rather they have yielded and served the god of this earth, and all its pleasures, and all its sin.

For do you not see, and do you not understand. There is never a time that you should trust this earth. But you should always trust in the Lord God of all. But this is a special time, that if you trust in this earth you will lose all.


Up Next: 1998 06 25.1