Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 08 12.1

1998 08 12.2

There is time for christians to get their lives in order for the coming crash of the United States. Do not weep for this nation, for it is sick. It is filled with wickedness, and I am laying upon it a just and deserved wrath. Do not weep for it, but look to yourselves, that you are in touch with the Spirit of God, that you are serving the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.

Do not turn aside, do not pretend that you are serving a God when your heart is on the things of this earth. Serve Me, says the Lord. for there is coming a time when judgment on this earth shall be so great that only those who walk with Me can have any chance of survival. And they will walk in power and strength, and I will be with them, and I will strengthen them, and I will protect them.

But those who pretend, those who play the games, seek the things of the world, seek to build up big names for themselves––they shall fall hard at this time, very hard.

And when the dust is completely settled, My people will stand.

Up Next: 1998 08 20.1