Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 09 02.1

1998 09 13.1

Going forth into the world to preach the gospel is My commandment, says God. Going forth to receive the work which I have given you to preach the gospel unto all, with signs following, with signs following.

So many of My people preach the gospel without signs following, because they seek a worldly gospel. They seek a worldly gospel. They seek a worldly gospel. They seek not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They want to stay in the lusts of the world, the love of money, the love of power. They want to stay in these things. They like them.

But I say, the things of this world shall fall. If you try to hang onto them, you will fall with them.

Stand fast on the Word of God. Seek the things that come from heaven, not from earth, and I shall raise you up.

But when the world falls, you’ll just walk straight ahead, and you’ll be the one to help them, and to reveal to them this is the judgment of God that has come. And you’ll be the one to lead them to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For you’ll be the one that’ll be My spokes-person throughout the earth. Because you stood, not on the things of the earth, but on the things of heaven.

Up Next: 1998 09 26.1