Thomas S. Gibson

Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)

Back to: 1998 10 17.1

1998 10 18.1

This is the word of the Lord. That there be a remnant of My people in this hour that will stand and know the will of God. That this judgment and wrath that comes will bring about a great revival, will bring about a great repentance among My people that will turn them from the fleshly desires unto that of the Spirit, that they will seek the things of the Living God, not the things of this earth. And its that that I intend to bring about.

I’ll bring these revivals up, here and there, as people with a heart cry for repentance go to prayer for this nation and this world which has sought the things of the earth and not the things of God.

And as they seek more of a repentance among God’s people and among the world, I will bring it to pass. For it is this that brings true revival: a prayer from the heart to do anything that is necessary to serve the Lord, and to bring a revival to the nations.

That’s how revival begins. It begins from the heart of My people who will serve Me above all things.

Up Next: 1998 10 24.1