Thomas S. Gibson
Prophecies That God Has Given to His Prophet, Thomas S. Gibson, In the 20th Century
(From the 1970s to December 31, 2000)
At the beginning of receiving the prophecies, which mainly started in 1994, I put a title, date, and a number on each of the prophecies. I also classified each as a prophecy, vision, dream, etc. They were numbered starting at 1 and continuing up from there. The titles that were added were based on the basic subject of the prophecy.
During the time (in 1999) when God began to call me to a full time ministry (but still working part time to finance the work), He also began to convict me strongly for sins in my life. I was so strongly under the conviction of the Holy Spirit that I could no longer deal with the prophecies and email that were on the web site. At that time I took the web site down and did not answer any email on the work of God. I also knew that God did not want me dealing with any of this work at that time.
It was several months before the Lord lifted this ban on the work and on me. During that time God totally burned the sin of pride out of my life. It was something that the Lord dealt with me before, but I had the desire to return to it; and would eventually do so. God completely burned this sin out and it was not an easy time. As I look back on it I find that the only thing that kept me going was the power of God in my life.
Beginning in January of 2000 the Lord began to lift this conviction and spoke to me that I was to return again to the work of the office of a prophet. Up until that time I did not know if He would have me return to this work, or if I had “blown it” and would never be allowed back.
The Lord began, again, to give me prophecies in February 2000, and the web site was put back up.
At that time God gave me a command to change the format of the prophecies. Under that direction I took off the numbering system, the titles, and also the classification of prophecy/dream/vision. I changed the dates to the following format: year/month/date.number of that day. This date had no spaces within it: e.g. 19940101.1 would be the first prophecy of January 1, 1994.
With this book of prophecies I am, under God command, combining the prophecies from the beginning through until the end of the 20th century, that is, the end of December, 2000 (the true end of the century). Also the numbering has changed in that I have added a space between each part of the date so it is more easily read: e.g. 1994 01 01.1 would be the first prophecy of January 1, 1994.
I have gone back over these prophecies. The prophetic words have been corrected for typing errors and punctuation––no words have been changed unless it was a very clear error on my part when I originally typed them. My descriptions of dreams and visions have, in some cases, been reworded to make it more clear what I was seeing by the Lord’s hand.
The Lord has chosen to give me these revelations and teach me to walk in the office of a prophet. As He has done so, I have become increasingly aware that there is much more to this prophetic life than I once thought. I have had to give up most of my ideas of what the church is and how it should operate. (At this time there is one book published [only electronically as a Adobe .pdf file at this time] on this subject on my web site.) The concepts of a church with elected pastors and board members has been destroyed by God with His Word about how He appoints apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
It is with God’s hand with me that I publish these prophecies that He has given me. It is my hope and prayer that you will read them with this in mind: that I did not ask for these, nor did I want the prophetic walk to be given to me; but rather the Lord has burned every desire of mine out, leaving only His work in me.
Please keep in mind that when God says this country, or this nation, that He is referring to the country in which I live, that is, Canada; not the U.S.A. as many assume. God bless as you read what He has chosen to give through me.