Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings

Back to: Prophetic Accountability and Esau


File Dated 7/7/2005

Good morning brethren,

Been inspired by the Lord to share a few things. Will try to mention everything with as much brevity as possible.


a couple of days after I sent “Prophetic Accountability,” as I lay down to sleep after a hard night of work, the Lord told me to “Stand up.”

I got up and began to pray as HE LED. My heart cried out that God would send someone to teach on intercession to the WPA list. That’s making a long story short, but you get the picture. When Jesus sent me to send a few “foolish” posts to the WPA, HE also places a burden in my heart to pray that all on the WPA list will understand and grow in wisdom and keep away from falsehood.

That’s the other side of the prophetic delivery service that normally stays secret and unreported in accordance with the command of The Lord.

Delivery “Boy”:

The message of being a deliverer of the word is not a new thread.  One of the first prophecies that I received (audio still preserved on my website. Old hard drive crashed. Many audio files lost) was to deliver his word (so that he may run who reads it).

Here is a link with the audio file. I speak a lot in tongues and repeat words. This was about 3 weeks after the Lord starting speaking to me in this way. Much of the early prophecies were like this.

Point is, the fact that it’s God’s word, not mine, was instilled in me from the start. Holy terror dictated that I should handle it with extreme care.

Yeah, I also work for the United States Postal Service, so you know he has a sense of humor.

Recent visions:

Been seeing myself in visions standing in a raging storm. I’m soaking wet and fairly uncomfortable. Storm visions, standing firm, it was really nothing new. Just an image of our present condition.

Then I came across a vision given to Rosie Lovejoy in 2003:

Bride and The Black Pearl Necklace

It wasn’t the timing that got me. It was the black pearl. I coughed up a couple of giant blackish-blue pearls/bowling balls recently. The pearl theme is not something new to me. Was led to study a painter named Jan Vermeer who painted women with pearls. Didn’t know there was such a thing as a black pearl, other than that it is the name of a fictional pirate ship (which reminds of my recent vision of a fiery scimitar).

This all triggered memories of the Walrus and the Carpenter:

The Walrus and the Carpenter

Walked on a mile or so,

And then they rested on a rock

Conveniently low:

And all the little Oysters stood

And waited in a row.

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,

“To talk of many things:

Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–

Of cabbages–and kings–

And why the sea is boiling hot–

And whether pigs have wings.”

Coughing up the ball, I should have realized the connection to the oysters above. Why did this all start to come together for me this week, I don’t know…

So, friends of the GROOM, and brothers of the Bride, God Bless you all.

With divine jealousy and in the name of Jesus,


Up Next: Religion and Repentance Dream