Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
Back to: Duality Part 1: The Two Malefactors
Sent 1/2/2006
Last night, the Lord told me that he had work for me to do today. He said that I would send something out to the WPA. So, I prayed today, and later started reading some of the messages in my inbox. I downloaded the first interview with Stephen and Randy. I started listening to it. I have it on pause about 9 minutes in. Rick Wiles is talking about fireballs. I’ll get back to it later, but I had to stop to send this word out.
Stephen spoke about the fact that the true death toll from the Indian Ocean Tsunami exceeded the number reported in the media. He said the true number is somewhere between 1 and 2 million. Well, that triggered a memory of the fact that God spoke to me last year and told me that the true death toll from the 12/26/04 Tsunami was over 1,000,000. I wrote about it last year. I was led to find the post in my sent messages. I sent it 1 year ago today on 1/2/2005.
Here is the link to the post (message 13014):
Now before I sat down the Lord told me to call this post MEGALOPOLIS. The title gives me more than a clue as to what I’m supposed to write about. Last March, my older brother Mark came to visit me in Puerto Rico. When we were praying together, God spoke through me and told my brother that he would have to move from his house in New Jersey because it wasn’t safe to live there. He lives 1 mile away from the west coast of the Island of Manhattan on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River.
Now God always confirms his word. It wasn’t the last time that God spoke to my brother in words, dreams and visions. He’s in the process of selling his house right now. One of the factors the Holy Spirit is leading him to consider is the water supply. I’m glad that he’s leaning towards a town that uses well water as opposed to piped-in water from a reservoir.
My brother called me last week or the week before to tell me about a dream that he had. A giant wave hits the eastern coast of some city and destroyed it. He wasn’t sure what city it was because it wasn’t revealed to him in the dream. He thought of Seoul, South Korea because of some detail that I don’t recall or some feeling that he had, but Seoul is on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula.
Then the Lord gave me the word “megalopolis.” I remembered an old National Geographic article that I read about the fact that there is a large connected stretch of urban area that stretches from New England to Washington, DC. I didn’t get the details exactly right, but I looked up the word megalopolis in a search engine and found this link.
I had a dream a few weeks or months ago that I was visiting my parents in New York City. They were complaining that my brother had moved too far away, and that it takes 3 hours to get to his house. I realized that it was “time” to speak to my parents and warn them. I went down on my knees in front of my father and told him that the reason why Mark moved away was because there was going to be a nuclear attack against New York City.
My father surprises me by responding, “I know. Actually, there are 2 nuclear attacks coming.” He pulls out a piece of parchment with a list of supplies that he was told to buy as preparation. My heart is pounding as I wake up suddenly.
Now I’m leaving out the interpretation because I haven’t received a direct revelation from the Lord. Is it 2 nuclear strikes at once, or is it one terrorist strike, and one (multi-bomb) strike during the US invasion later on? Is it a conventional warhead, a dirty bomb, or a neutron bomb?
Now I haven’t checked my mailbox for a few days. I went last night on a whim (or so I thought) to retrieve my mail. I received an issue of the National Geographic (January 2006). I’ve never had a subscription. My dad did, and I used to read them as a kid. Perhaps my brother or my father bought me one as a gift. It’s in front of me now, a timely reminder of the National Geographic article on the Megalopolis that I read years ago.
I have it open to a graph on page 30 titled “Century of Death.” It shows the estimated number of deaths from 20th century genocides including the 30,000,000 killed in China during the Great Leap Forward, 20,000,000 killed in the USSR under Stalin, 11,400,000 killed in Germany during WWII, and as I have learned for the first time today, 10,000,000 killed in Japan during the second World War. I know about Japanese horrors committed in occupied Manchuria and Korea for example, but I didn’t expect the estimate to be so high.
Now as Russia and China and other nations are poised to enact their Final Solution to The American Question I find myself worrying about everyone who still doesn’t believe, who have refused to repent and be saved in Christ Jesus. There have been so many witnesses. I feel like I have been repeating myself like a broken record. Perhaps this update will bless someone and strengthen their faith.
In Christ,