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Prophetic Accountability and Esau
Sent 6/25/2005
Part 1: Prophetic Accountability
Some days I just want to curl up at his feet and feel Him scratching me behind my ears. Today, I found myself sniffing at the wind, a little anxious to get up and investigate. I know I shouldn’t be worried about the sheep, after all my MASTER knows what He’s doing, but when I heard the words, “Go out.” I knew what I had to do.
I had a vision the other day. I saw myself standing on the wide steps of a building that looked like a courthouse. It was night, judging by the dark-bluish tint to everything. There was a group of malnourished beggars in rags pleading a few steps below me. Some were on their knees begging. I was holding a fiery orange sword in my hand shaped like a scimitar. I was swinging it in their direction with wide arcs. They stayed out of range of the blade, but they did not stop begging.
Any guesses as to what it might mean?
Well the Lord told me that the people were seeking me for a word (spiritual food and drink). Unfortunately, they had their eyes on me instead of Jesus Christ. They were seeking the messenger, not the Source of the message. There I was, waiving “Jesus Christ” in front of their face, and no one wanted to come forward and fall on the blade.
Funny, huh?
Now what the above vision has to do with “prophetic accountability” escapes me for now. Perhaps after I send this one out, the Lord will choose to connect the dots.
No wait, I get it. I am accountable as a messenger to stay a lowly messenger. I am accountable as a messenger of God’s revelation word to simply deliver it whenever and wherever I am sent. The USPS, DHL, Fed Ex, UPS deliver packages. Once they fulfill their obligation to get the package safely to its destination, their responsibility is over. The recipient can do whatever they want with the package they receive. Also, what credit should the delivery service get if you receive something of value? Did the delivery service “send” the package, or just carry it?
There is one important difference between delivering packages and delivering God’s word. The package is the property of the recipient. God’s revelation word always belongs to God, no matter where it is. I will illustrate through my own personal experience.
God told me to share His word with the world. I would post it or send it out wherever he told me. Not only that, I have at the Lord’s command posted or sent out his revelation word (Rhema) as shared through other prophets, both in whole or in part. I just did what I was told. I have not sinned against God by asking the prophets permission to post, in a whole or in part, a revelation word (that belongs to God) that the Lord has shared through them.
If any of the prophets that I have quoted ever wrote to me and said, “Please do not quote my word without email reference,” or, “Please do not quote my word in part or in whole or anonymously,” or any other permutation thereof, my witty but loving response might go like this, “I apologize for quoting YOUR word. I was under the impression that it was God’s word, not yours. Thanks for clearing up the confusion.”
No one needs my permission to quote a prophecy that the Lord sent me to share. No one needs my permission to quote an excerpt or quote it anonymously. No one needs my permission to edit it, or change it around, or add words that I never shared and put my name on it. Let each person who receives anything the Lord sends me to share do what the Lord wants with it. They are accountable to God, not me. They will answer to Jesus Christ, just as I will.
So, if someone should ever ask me for my permission to quote something of mine anonymously, or partially, or wholly, my response might be, “Why would you do such as wicked thing as to tempt me this way? It’s not my word. Ask Jesus what you can and cannot do with it.”
Freely I have received. Freely I give.
In closing. In a later vision which continues the one mentioned earlier. I tossed the fiery sword into the crowd of starving beggars. They all caught on fire.
Part 2: Who is Esau?
A few months ago, Bob Neumann posted something on the WPA where he said, “…the Nicolaitans who Jesus hates,” or something to that effect. Someone responded by saying that Jesus loves the Nicolaitans (true) but hates their works. Quoting Revelations, we can see that Jesus hates the works of the Nicolaitans.
Now when all this went down, I didn’t say a thing. Wasn’t sent. But the Lord response to me over all of this was, “Jacob I love, and Esau I hate. My question to you is, who is Esau?”
I guess we have to know who the Jacob’s and the Esau’s are before we can begin to tell them apart. But for now, the Lord has simply sent me to share His question:
“Who is Esau?”
In Christ,
PS Catch!