Old Dog III

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Questions About the Second Thunder

Bob Neumann

[Libby Magnello wrote in to ask for an explanation of the Doctrine of Acceptance and

The Theory of Dominion Theology, as mentioned in The Second Thunder by Bob Neumann. Here is Bob’s Reply]

Blessed be you Daughter of ZION for asking. No one else will, tells you the true state of those attending the circus.

THE MASTER called it a DOCTRINE OF ACCEPTANCE. Many obviously were quick to jump up and throw their pet offenses into this category. But let me first state that like everything THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT has taught me in the past few years these ‘issues’ are two-edged swords. All that this means is that they have a double relationship within the church, all four do. And you are the only one to question ACCEPTANCE. Many people are pointing to the moves for “UNITY” in the BODY and “ECUMENICALISM” as the evils THE LORD is speaking of. That is because they have an agenda they serve. Anything that ”seems to support my agenda” is acceptable to me. I hope you caught it!


CHURCHES and their ”everybody in it together” but the idea that I can only accept you if you meet my agenda; fulfill my needs, make sounds like I make, hate the stuff I hate. I guess there are those who read the SECOND THUNDER and said ”hey, I told ya “PROMISE KEEPERS was of the devil, now I know why!” Only “PROMISE KEEPERS” was a sovereign move of THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT, in it’s time and in it’s season. Those that want to use it to build personal ministries are the other edge of this sword so to speak.

THE DOCTRINE OF ACCEPTANCE has a branch that says if you believe in something and I say I do, you have to accept me, and everything I say and believe. Of course their next statement is ”if you do not accept me ‘carte blanche’ you are not of GOD. Boy LIBBY, I sure have gotten a lot of that lately. Question a false prophet and get cursed quickly and be told you are ”of THE DEVIL, SERPENT SEED”.

So if I can put it in a nut shell THE DOCTRINE OF ACCEPTANCE has two major smells that GREATLY OFFEND ABBA’S SENSATIVE NOSE. The first is the aspect that man decides what is ”acceptable” in ‘his own eyes’, scripture reference:

In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25 (KJV)

Man accepts that which meets his needs. Like the Poodle in heat. This may sound crude but it was what THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT showed me most explicitly. Ministries, denominations, pastors, leaders are like an animal in heat looking ”to be mounted” by anything that will ”fill their need”. So a denomination will embrace the HOMOSEXUAL agenda, because the ”sin is already in the camp”. Pastors will preach ”secular humanism” and not the GOSPEL because they ”never knew” JESUS….ABBA….THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT. They went to seminary/ bible college as church goers and not as servants and got a liberal humanist education. What else will they preach? Bring in a new book about ”self-…..” and they go to bed with it, even if it’s origin is humanism, or Hinduism or whatever.

Now the second aspect is we can put aside the GOSPEL to accept others as ”true believers”. This is the real DEMON DOCTRINE behind “ECUMENICALISM”. Pagan Rome boasted all ”roads lead to ROME”. Actually they lead to hell, all except the ONE that is straight and narrow.

Most ”Christians” who point fingers at this DEMON DOCTRINE are in error so we have to be careful. Please understand that most DEMON DOCTRINES are intended to keep the CHURCH divided and at each other’s throats. They’ve worked pretty good so far haven’t they! If the Pentecostals can not tolerate other Pentecostals, how can they work with Baptists, Lutherans, etc.

ECUMENICALISM says all the earth mother’s kids, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Moslems, etc have an equally legitimate spirituality. And we can all work together to meet everyone’s needs/ agendas/ goals. Now we know this is a lie. But to say we can not unite true Christians together because of ECUMENICALISM is because that person really believes ”my Christianity” is the only TRUE CHRISTIANITY, and unless you line up with me…. and we are back to the real issue.

Sister Libby….90% of the AMERICAN APOSTATE CHURCH would not let me in the door if it took one look at me, or read one thing I put out on the internet. I am ”unacceptable”. It gives me a warm feeling to know I chose to serve the MASTER, and not man.

Now on to “THE THEORY OF DOMINION THEOLOGY”. Let me simply say that all that falls under the umbrella of “Dominion Theology”/ ”Kingdom Theology”/ ”new Constructionism”….and a lot of other names is simply this:. We will use our ”rights” as free citizens to vote into office ”Christian candidates” who will slowly bring America back to be a godly nation. Over time our ”good influence” will spread and we can legislate morality and righteousness. In time we will take the gospel to the world and bring the world under our righteous control and then JESUS will return and reign forever. It might take 40,000 more years, but we have god on our side.

Sounds sort of strange, until you realize this belief system is what motivates the “Christian Coalition”, and those that ”founded it”.

Here is the problem, back in the 1940’s-1950’s this move went through the Roman Catholic religious orders. It started in the third world countries where secular humanism and Marxism said all you young catholic priests have the ”moral high ground” and can lead your people both spiritually and politically to bring about ”social change”. In many places elections were won and change was initiated. In the case of South and Central America when reform began it was halted by force. When this occurred religion went with the revolution. Remember Nicaragua and that 15 of the original Sandinista Council were ex-Jesuit and ex-Maryknoll Catholic priests?

Many American church leaders are preaching a gospel of ”activism”. We have to get active, have programs, do ”stuff” to save the lost. Why ”stuff”. JESUS said for us to ”bear witness”, ”preach the GOOD NEWS (BASAR…in HEBREW) of THE KINGDOM, not to build a KINGDOM that is ”right in our own eyes”.

The AMERICAN CHURCH wants to be entertained. They want to see ”signs and wonders”. So the church performs music instead of adoration, laser shows instead of the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, skits and mime over the WORD. None of these things are wrong in themselves, if THE WORD is preached. But if it isn’t all you got is a HOT DOG with no meat, all filler.

THIS “THEORY” like all “THEORIES” substitute man’s ideas over GOD. Take ”evolution” for one. DOMINION THEOLOGY believers have been prophesying all kinds of stuff about AMERICA repenting just like NINEVAH. They preach that GOD put BILL CLINTON into office to ”get saved” and turn AMERICA back to GOD. The problem is that Bill claims to be a ”born again Baptist”, has since he first ran for office. The media shows him going to church on occasion carrying his bible. So we look back to the DOCTRINE OF ACCEPTANCE briefly here. The liberal left Christians see Bill as a fellow ”believer” doing the ”best he can’, and accept him. The conservative right Christians see Bill as the reincarnation of AHAB, with his own JEZABEL selah.

Now we have a group that has espoused a little of both of the above that say Bill will ”see the light” and THE LIGHT will be in the WHITE HOUSE.

ALICE BAILEY was saying the same thing in the pages printed by the LUCIS TRUST in the 1940’s and 1950’s. And ALICE was a Satanist/ NEW AGER medium. Their ”light” ain’t JESUS!!!!! When America fails to see Bill Clinton suddenly repent and take the ‘pledge’ we might see more violence labeled as Christian.

What is real ugly about Dominion Theology is that it throws out the whole books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Revelation, and good chunks of all 4 Gospels. There is a time of persecution coming to the righteous they say, but that they will come through it larger and stronger and take the world. That means no ”SECOND COMING”, no need for a BRIDE to make herself ready, no JUDGEMENT, no TRIBULATION, no WRATH.

Few people that espouse DOMINION/ KINGDOM NOW/ or any other label it falls under will come out and say they do. They just stopped preaching the TRUTH, and preach everything and anything else. Harvest, but no Discipleship, Soul saving, but no Teaching/ Mentoring, Pastoring without Compassion, Leadership without

Accountability, and the list can go on. But my Favorite is the “YEAR OF JUBILEE”, that does not end. They quote and sing of THE YEAR OF FAVOR OF OUR LORD, and ignore the DAY OF VENGENCE OF OUR GOD.

I hope this helps. I could not go too much farther in this letter without stepping into the THIRD THUNDER, which is not time yet.

I don’t really understand why these 4 ‘dogs’ are more important than their friends, but it was not, and is not my call. All four are perversions of the TRUTH, the best lies always are.


old dog from goshen

Up Next: A Little WORD