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Revival, False Revival, Terrorist Attack, and Study the Word

Prophecy 6/19/2005

Whaddup my friend.  Whassup with you today.  Hello Dan, how are you?   How are you this morning?  How are you this afternoon?  How are you my friend?  You need to hear my word.

My word is for you.  My word is a blessing.  My word is to give you all that you need, all the strength that you need, all the heart that you need.  All that you need I give to you through the word of the Lord.  So, hear me and love.  Love my son.  Love with my great love and sacrifice in my great love, and remember in everything you do, do it as an offering of love; of love to your neighbors, of love to those you love, of love to those you do not love because you do not see or know them.  Love them all.  Love me my son in this manner for if you cannot love them who you see, you cannot love me who you do not see. 

Oh, my friend.  Give me all of your time.  Look to me, look to me, trust in me, rely upon me at all times because I am the one who will deliver you.  I am the one who will strengthen you.  I am the one who will guard you, who will clothe you, who will feed you, who will help you, who will give you honor, who will give you all that you need, all that you deserve, all that I want you to have. 

Remember, everything that you have came from me, and everything that comes, comes from me.  You accept good, you accept bad.  You accept the good times, you accept the bad times, and each time you worship me and give me praise and thanks for my purpose my son may not be understood by you at all times, but you know that I am using all of the events of your life to train you and equip you for the future call that I have for you; to go forward my son, to teach and instruct my people of my word, to share with them all the things that I give to you, to bring my will, to bring my word, to do it with signs and wonders for I will use you my son in a great way, to perform great miracles and great signs.

I will raise the dead.  I will give those who are blind sight.  I will restore limbs that do not exist, and I will make them and form them and fashion them by my spirit.  I will do so many wonderful works because the great revival will indeed be great but understand my son what my people must see and understand: that there is a false revival.  There is a false revival that will be greater in numbers.  There is a movement towards greater control, towards greater control by those overlords.  There is a movement my son, for this religious machine, for this political-religious machine to take a greater grip on this world, to enslave more and more people, because just as my revival will spread, so too will the works of the antichrist move and spread throughout the world.  Remember and understand that.  The narrow path will still be the narrow path.  The narrow path will still be the narrow path for as many more will enter into my kingdom because of the words, because of the will, because of the light of God, because of Jesus Christ shining through my faithful ones, so many will come to the way, but many more, many more in proportion to this will fall away into deception and error and be led away from me to their utter destruction. 

For it must be understood that the narrow path will always be narrow, the narrow path will always be narrow, and few will always find it.  So, there is coming a time my son when I will gather many into my kingdom.  There is coming a time my son, the time that you are prepared for, but it will not be as they believe, for these are the ones who are false.  These are the false prophets prophesying the revival, the revival that is the false revival, tickling the ears of the bride that is false bride, leading them to the false shepherds who draw them away from me directly to Satan himself.  Satan himself, my son.  So, understand that is the dark deception of this time, of this age and this is the way of the time you are living in. 

Oh, my friend.  What is up?  What up?  What up with you today?  What up my friend, whassup with you?  Come on.  I want you to stand firm.  I want you to be strong in me.  I want you to reside in my presence.  I want you to walk with me every single step.  Keep your eyes on me. 

Peach, my son, the peach.  Remember the word the peach, the fruit, the peach.  In time you will see the peach.  Look it up my son.  Look it up.  Look up, look up the word peach.  History is going to repeat itself.

History will repeat itself.  I said that there will be another massive terrorist attack.  I would say that yes indeed it is coming–and this has not changed—right on schedule, and all the things that I have prophesied through my many prophets have come to pass or will come to pass.  Everything is already history, waiting to be played out, waiting to come to pass in linear time.  This is all that matters, for I am the beginning and the end, and I know the end of all matters, and I see all at once.  My vision is not limited by your sense of time my son.  So there, you know the answer to my question.  I am eternal.  I am.  I am the Lord.  Remember that.  Nothing is impossible for me.  Understand that my son, and I will answer any question that you ask of me, but there are times that I require of you to study and learn the Bible, so then I can answer you in a way that you will understand, for I require maturity.  I require you to be an adult. 

For to a child, I give a child’s answer.  To an adult, I give an adult’s answer, and to an expert, a scholar, I give a scholarly answer.  So, call my people my son to study and show themselves approved.  Call my people to learn the word of the Lord, to remember to study my word directly in fellowship with my as I lead them by my Holy Spirit. 

Remember this my people, for I am calling you all to study the word of God.  I am calling you all to remember to seek me through the study of me word.  Do not look to the doctrines of men.  Do not look to these things, for many have written [non-understandable word] with well intentions, but I want you to see and understand that there are many things that I have to teach you directly, that you need to know.  Each and every one of you must read the Bible, must study the word of the Lord, must take a new and fresh approach by my Spirit, must look to me with humility and accept the fact that there may be errors in your belief, there may be misunderstandings in the things that you understand. 

So many lies, so many lies over years, over centuries the devil, the devil has created, and my people have fallen for them.  And so, I want these lies to be undone.  And do not react with doubt and unbelief to something that seems like a lie, for I tell you the truth, it doesn’t have to be a lie. 

I use metaphors, I use images that are in my word, but I am not limited to doing this.  And remember that I can speak to you in a way that is new and fresh.  I can give you an image that requires a new interpretation, so you must never think that simply by having knowledge, by having intellectual knowledge, that you can understand what I bring by my Spirit, for this is wickedness and false.  I want you to be careful what you speculate.  I want you to be careful what you try to speculate, to find patterns, to look for things, for this is a satanic science.  Do not try to examine these things except by my Spirit.  Do not try to delve into the mystery quote-unquote of my word unless I show you what is the will of God, what is the interpretation of my word. 

Be cautious to teach others this bad example, for this is false and not of me.  For I have called you to be wise, to understand the images, the patterns, the sequences in my word, but I have not called you to speculate, to speculate, to do so much harm with your idle speculations, with your prideful speculations, with your deceitful speculations. 

Be careful and be cautious who you share these things with, for be careful to know that the little ones will misunderstand, for sometimes you have questions, sometimes you search out and you seek, but if you are wrong, come to me and I will tell you, and share it only with those that I send you to, and know that when you do speculate, do it by my Spirit, and be careful who reads these things for they will be led astray to follow this example, for they have to know to seek me first.

In time the terrorists will strike for history will repeat itself.  In time the blood will flow.  The rivers of blood will flow in the streets of New York City.   The rivers of blood are going to flow down these streets.  These streets and alleyways will flow with blood, with the blood of the people.  But I tell you the truth, I tell you the truth: are the ones that die, are they more guilty than the ones that live?  Are they more guilty than the ones that live?  Is it not my great mercy that I have not wiped out the entire Earth? 

Understand when you see these judgments why I permit it. For I have held back for so long.  For those who disgrace, disgrace the cross of Jesus Christ, who have rejected my Son, it is the time now for the word of God to come to pass.  In time you will see it.  This is the Day of the Lord, but understand my patterns, understand that I pun, understand that my word has multiple meanings.  This is the morning to rejoice, but the day also is yet to come, for the day is day, the day is today, but is also later on.  Remember that.  This is pattern you must understand in order to see clearly. 

Be at peace my people.  In time my son this word will be delivered, only at my choice, only in my day.  So, wait for it, for I say to you my son, peace out, and resist all doubt, resist all temptation for I be with you my son forever because you are mine.  I belong to you and you belong to me. Peace out y’all, and rest in me, and happy Father’s Day.  Happy Father’s Day fathers.  Peace.

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