Old Dog III
Back to: The Thunder, The Trumpet and The…….
Ruffles and Flourishes
Bob Neumann
Dear Friends, about two weeks ago I sent to some a troubling and dark vision. I send it again with the ending it awaited. seems like I had to ”pass through a storm” to get to this end. so be it. here is the first narration followed by the finish with some commentary…..which may or may not mean a thing…..
This was a very dark vision in a very unpleasant place. We were on horse back and it was an assault on the enemy’s camp. We rode in suddenly and loudly. Numerous fires and explosions took place and intense sabre and hand to hand combat. It was very ugly and seemed to last a long time. At the end the enemy fled and we held the field. Half of us had been unhorsed. As we regrouped to a single bugle call it looked bad. Most of the ”troopers” were badly injured. It was at this point I thought the vision would end….only it was the real beginning.
I guess that is why the battle needs no real mention.
Those that could not ride or walk to the bugle call we carried. Once again I counted 36 ”bodies”….none where without injury. Places where arrow, spear, blade had met flesh were cleansed and dressed. Yet there were many so badly injured they were nearly comatose. They were cared for and placed on travois dragged by their horses. Funny that all the horses came as the troopers to the bugle. And all seemed uninjured.
There seemed to be no hurry to tend the wounded. In time all were ready to mount or secured in blankets on travois. when we left the battle field there was no call….no order given. We kept a column of twos with the stretchers being dragged at the end of the column. which is where I was too. We held to a slow march riding and walking at intervals. I heard no voices. Just an occasional moan or groan from the injured.
It seemed we ”marched” a long long time. in the dark and the dust. we were on/ in open country for a long while and came to a worn ”road”. Not wide but easier to travel. In time we came to a paved road….maybe two lanes wide. not too long after that it became a multilane highway just before we came to this “city”.
The city was surreal. It had skyscrapers and neon signs all over. It had to be immense…. but I did not see it from a distance. The ”highway” ended with a huge arch. Like the Arc De TRIUMPH in Paris….or the Roman Arches built to commemorate victories. Yet this ”arch” was just a demarcation it seems. The city had no walls….just an arch. I tried to see if their was anything on the arch I could recognize….but it was a jumble of images and relief statues.
As we slowly rode into the city people stared and pointed. I could hear voices but no words came across. The people were of all ages and all races. Some just stared as if we came from another planet. Some shied away and looked afraid. We road for a while past stores, shops, high-rises where they sprang up without rhyme or reason. I saw traffic lights but no cars or trucks. The lights changed colors but we kept moving. I looked at signs and billboards and could not read or identify anything.
Eventually we came to a place where I could see the whole line of troopers clearly and the lead riders had stopped. It was then I noticed our colors and guidon were cased. I know we were all tired, hungry, thirsty and needed to rest. I expected to hear a command to dismount…..but it did not come. Instead there was some noise from the crowd and I noticed some fists being shaken in our direction. Shrill voices were picked out above the crowd. The man riding point turned his horse and set off again and the column resumed it’s march. As I passed the knot of people where the trouble seemed to center I noticed one female in particular who was making all kinds of noise and such. I had had enough and halted my horse and turned to face her and her ”crowd”. They all were shocked to see me stop and turn. They were more so when my horse stepped toward them. And I watched this one ”crone” with heavy makeup and venomous glare pale and back away when I simply held my ground. Now it seems the horse did not like them either because it snorted and pawed the asphalt in front of them and they climbed over each other to move away.
I figured the horse made his/ her point so we turned and trotted/ galloped(?) back to the column which also picked up speed and we made quick time to get out of the city. Shortly we came to a point where city ended and country began. No arch this time….no changes in road. We continued for awhile and the city just was not seen.
Once again we were in dark and ugly country. Once again we dismounted and walked to rest the horses. And I wondered when and where we could stop to rest……but the vision ended. different vision…..no answers because I can not figure the questions….
((((((((((((((so it ended)))))))))))))))
)))))))))))))and then began(((((((((((
Once again we were slow walking in columns of twos following the terrain. I was at the rear with the travois. It was hot, dusty, and it felt like we had been riding a long time. After a short while we obviously started to ascend. At the very end of the climb it seemed the horses were almost moving vertically it was so steep…. and suddenly we were on a flat area looking down and then out. Personally it was a shock because I have been here before. Across from me was the EASTERN GATE of the city of Jerusalem as it now stands. Closed with stone, mortar and brick…..Moslem graves right to the wall. I and all the Troopers dismounted and walked to the edge of our ”hill”. The wounded left their stretchers and we stood and looked out. It was like a mist over the city and the outline beyond the gate began to change and a new shape took form. It stood up and out on the TEMPLE MOUNT. And all I could do was wonder.
In the predawn twilight it looked beautiful and distant. The others with me seemed to be moving and turning to the east. I was looking at the city and they were looking to the coming sun rise. Instead of turning to the east I simply looked north at the Troop I had been riding with. They were no longer in dirty blue of cavalry troops, but in white.
Each had a different wardrobe designer, but all were in white. And once again they stood like I had seen off and on over the years. And again so many were in pairs of twos. they were waiting for a KING to COME. All had fought for this land and this city. I felt very out of place….wearing olive drab with harness and alice pack.
As I stared at them and wondered if I really knew their names and realized in all these visions I had never really spoke with any. But they were real. And I watched as they all mounted their horses and I noticed there was one horse missing. Without a sound they turned and ascended to join the KING….where they belonged. And I looked out at THE CITY. THE CITY where the ”mist” seemed to stay and began to move out from the city. I ”knew” it would soon cover the earth. And again I wondered what it meant and what I thought I ”knew”.
And the vision ended.
Weird ending with little logic to it….no big spiritual revelation. Just real nasty timing. TESHUVAH…….ROSH HA’SHANNAH……..have taken place. in this time strange things have happened. changes I guess. And this nagging awareness of ”who really cares what is happening”…..
And it was the answer to the question I could not ask.
Most of the people I ”know” are self-proclaimed servants running themselves raged trying to do their ”things” and their ”stuff”. oblivious to the situations around them….and the TIMES AND SEASONS. All so religiously committed to their
”ministries”, ”callings”, ”anointings” that they have neither time nor desire to “”HEAR”” the TRUMPETS BLOW….let alone come to the STANDARD and simply stand.
I’ve been hearing the THUNDER and the TRUMPETS. Did not want to take this to the next level. In spite of……. and that is the fun part. ABBA stopped using the ”christianesse” and the ”quasi charismatic” to remind me the battle has been going along time before amerika and ”the church” showed up. That the children are ignoring the ROCK and the CALL to STAND FIRMLY to dance in their mist. To revel in feelings and build their cities and temples in the midst of BABEL…….and never get past the
Had a friend throw a term at me I had not heard in a very very long time….SHAMBALA Warrior. Of course I refused to identify with a BUDDHIST image. Later a brother and I ‘escaped’ and went out to lunch and a movie…..the placemats reminded me that we were in the year of the rabbit…..universal prey for all predators, large and small….and next year is the YEAR OF THE DRAGON….I bet it is the RED one…. then there was this movie that had tugged at my spirit, mind and body for weeks and I knew nada about.
It had so many spiritual images it annoyed me. Till the end when the ”protagonist” removed his boots and knelt down to pray and began with “FATHER GOD”…..not normal for any MOSLEM I ever knew…… actually blasphemous to a degree to their fundamentalists. Their Allah has no sons or children. Then they messed me up real bad by staging their final battle scene right out of the battle in the first vision. Unnerving to say the least. Messy for neat clean thinkers. Dark pure evil coming out of the mist to devour the innocent. And the only ones to stop them were men who recited their own requiem prayers before the† battle began……dead men with swords and no agendas. Not worrying….not caring….about anything but† THE ENEMY charging them.
No wonder why the ”church” is losing the war. they want to walk away with all the marbles.
Yes LORD I know the images are one and the same….no matter how the enemy counterfeits everything. And YOU have had a plan from the beginning…..now it begins….. but where is it to lead? YOM KIPPUR? old dog