David Haase – 2003 and Earlier
Sent to the WCC World Church Council
09/08/01 06:53PM
i cry for you for you have lost your way , you seek the kingdom of God though the world instead of though Christ, you seek your will be done not His, you abandoned your faith in Him to pursue your own agendas, you have lost your sense of direction and move with the waves. Your eyes see with the eyes of satan for you no longer can see Christ among you. You read His word and twist it to fit within your tiny view of the world and how it pertains to you, Instead of asking Lord what would you have me do. i cry and weep for the judgment that is about to befall you, for you were called to lead your flocks to Christ not away and your judgment is harsher than what shall befall those who stumble against the rock of Jerusalem. You have ignored the warnings of the Lord Living God Jehovah through His prophets. Now will come His promises though He grieves for your sins.
Each rock we throw into the water produces a ripple, the rocks (statements) the churches have thrown, were cast without first seeking The Lord, for in them His will is not seen. If the Lord moves you to do so, forward it to all the churches that belong, it was meant for them…
What I am shown are bowls filled with the sins of the churches, what has filled them to over flowing and has caused Our Lord to send me, is the stand against Israel that has been taken world wide, by those who would call themselves of Christ. We are the grafted branch, this time of gentiles shall soon end, as His chosen people are finally brought to Him through Christ, we are also of.