Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings. 

Prophecies and articles posted in 2003 on my now defunct original website

Tears of the Father

Believe, Repent, and Receive the Holy Spirit

Woe Unto The False Prophets


The Lord’s Perfect English

Test Everything and 18 Words, 18 Prophecies

Another Terrorist Attack

The Blood of Jesus and The Call of the Watchman

Good Morning and Other Prophecies

Giving. A Message to The Remnant

No, America. Do Not Support a Palestinian State

Vision of the False Bride

My Visions, Dream, and Prophecies of Thomas S Gibson and Raymond Aguilera

The Judgment of America

The Cowards Come From The North

Do You Truly Love America?

A Message to the Church in America

I Am Willing To Relent

Angels in the Plaza

The Prodigal Sons

The Vision of Jesus and Two Prophets

Vision of The Preacher in Times Square

An Invitation To Join Me In Prayer At Times Square (2003)

Where Are The Missing Russian Nukes?

North Korea is Going To Strike

I Will Use Korea


Some Words About Apostles

The Eagle and the Wolf

The Prophet Who Cried Wolf

Vision of the Three Churches

The Vision of the Indestructible Stone Block

Vision of a Prophet in Secret

The Persecution of Jews and Christians

Dude, Where’s My Savior?

About The Room: A Message to the 600

Prophecies and articles shared from 2004 to 2007

Times Square Anointing: One Year Later

Labor Day Weekend

Bowling Ball Delivery 1

Bowling Ball Delivery 2

My Word is Spirit

Revival, False Revival, Terrorist Attack, and Study the Word

Prophetic Accountability and Esau


Religion and Repentance Dream

The Sign of the Storms

Prophecy September 6, 2005

The Sign of the Storms Part 2

The Two Malefactors


Megalopolis Part 2

The Signs of 8

The Ghost in the Machine

The Rod of Iron (Captain Morgan)

Final Word


August 29, 2023 I Am Being Sent Part 1

Mrs. Robinson

Mrs. Robinson Part 2: The Chemical Pregnancy and the 2024 US Presidential Election

The Sign of the Storms: Hurricane Milton

Mrs. Robinson Part 3: Isaiah’s Commission and the Results of the 2024 US Presidential Election

I Am Being Sent part 2: The spirit of Science


Dear Reader,

February 6, 2023

On December 26, 2002, I suddenly and surprisingly received the command to share God’s word with the world. I was told that I would go forth for a short time and then withdraw to His Secret Place. The first word that I was sent to share in 2003 was Tears of the Father. By summer 2003, I had already completed my first commission before the Lord, and I was asked to withdraw.

For 4 more years, I still occasionally sent a word as directed by the Lord, but on May 27, 2007, I delivered my last word after a year of silence. Since then, I had not been sent until last November 2022 when I was commissioned to create a website and post the prophecies of Bob Neumann. Later, I was told to add the prophetic writings of David Haase, and a selection of the words that I personally received and shared in the past.

The prophecies and articles linked above were received in 2003 and were all posted on a now defunct website that I was directed to setup with the assistance of my brother. In addition, several of them were shared on another defunct website called End Times Prophetic Vision, The creator of that site, Bill Somers, passed away years ago. Some of the prophetic writings were shared on another defunct website as noted in the writings themselves. These prophecies are not available anywhere else as far as I’m aware.

In January 2007, the Holy Spirit told me to shut down my website. 16 years later, this new site is up and running and I have begun the process of adding revelation words to it. I am also led not to use my full name for now and to refer to myself as the site curator. Eventually, as I step forth out of the shadows, my full name and bio will be shared.

I struggled with how to share my prophetic words as they were originally posted in the chronological order in which I was commanded to share it. They were not organized by topic. My thinking is that if adhere to the original order, prophetic words that I consider of greater importance are hidden between words of lesser importance. Therefore, if I organize by category instead, prophecies that I consider of greater importance such as “Believe, Repent, and Receive the Holy Spirit” (which had no title in 2003 as they were the Home Page prophecies on my site) can be shared first in the hopes that more people people can read it and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. That was my plan, but I prayed about it, and feel led to keep the writings in the same order that I posted them in 2003 on my old website. This is the way that they are presented above. Having said that, if you are reading this and are not saved, which means that you have not yet confessed that Jesus is your Lord, and set your heart to turn from your old ways (repentance) to be a new creation in Him (born again), I would start with the first two prophecies on the list above if you haven’t already read them.

Tears of the Father
Believe, Repent, and Receive the Holy Spirit

In 2003, I was sent on what I called a work-study program. Seven years after I repented like Jonah, when the Lord sent me forth, I had received only a handful of prophecies in my personal life before that. However, The Lord saw fit to use me. I did not argue with his selection. I picked up my cross and obeyed. In the prophetic writings, he taught me how to prophecy as I went about sending forth his word. And just when I was getting the hang of it, I was commanded to withdraw. It reminded me of Judge Shamgar. He left his fields, took his ox goad with him, got the job done, and returned home. Unlike Shamgar, I had been waiting since 2003 for the call to go forth again at the appointed time.

There are several ways that I received prophecies. Most of them, but not all, were received in a way that allowed me to record them verbatim to share. These are utterances in the Spirit in a known language which in my case is English, and sometimes Spanish. It started 7 years prior to 2003 in the year 1995 when I first operated in the gift of speaking in tongues. Over the years, after countless hours of speaking in (unknown) tongues, I would utter a single or word or two words in English or Spanish. In 2002, the day I was commissioned, I received the command to go forth this way. God can speak in dreams and visions. He can speak in the still, small voice in our spirits. He can speak in signs and wonders. He can speak audibly in the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit, or in a voice like thunder or a mighty waterfall that shakes the heavens and the earth.

Recording my prophetic utterances with voice recorder enabled me to rely on technology to remember them and transcribe them later. When you read some of these early prophecies, you will read a lot repeated words, phrases or short sentences. The Lord did not want me to edit repetitions. One reason is that the repetition may be for emphasis. The other reason is that some of you reading this may eventually start to prophecy in the same way, and have the same experiences as I did early on. This way, your faith can be encouraged as you can learn from my experience and how I was trained by the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of the Lord.

For the mature and seasoned few, please be patient when reading these words that share my earliest received prophetic utterances. They have a purpose to inspire faith and help train a new generation of Sons and Daughters of Glory that will shine the light of Yeshua’s love to this lost world.

The day will come when I will share revelations that I have received between 2004 to present. There are not many. If I had kept up the same pace as 2003 for 20 years, there would be too much for anyone to reasonably read. We all have to read the Bible already, and the Lord wants his people to read the words shared by Bob Neumann and others. There’s more than enough reading to keep us all busy for a very long time.

Finally, there is a famine in the land. A famine of God’s word. The overwhelmingly vast majority of prophets who profess to speak God’s word prophecy lies in Yeshua’s name. Some of them were actually commissioned by God, but allowed a deceiving spirit to lead them astray because they charged a price for the revelation word, and in other ways serve themselves, men and demons, not God. The prophetic word that I receive is not mine. I do not own it. I can’t charge you for what I don’t own. I received freely, and I give freely. Every true prophet does likewise without exception.

As of the time of this writing, I am still working on setting up this site. I don’t yet have a contact email in place. Perhaps soon, I will share an email address where I can be reached. In the meantime, our communication remains one-sided. God bless you, reader. May the words that the Lord is leading me to share build up your faith and strengthen you.

In Christ,

Site Curator

Up Next: Tears of the Father