Site Curator’s selected prophecies, visions, dreams, revelations, and writings
Back to: I Am Being Sent Part 1
Mrs. Robinson
Received on July 19, 2016
Released on July 28, 2024
[Site Curator’s note: I received this word approximately 8 years ago, but I was not told to release it at the time. (The Lord had not called me to release anything publicly since 2006. What I released on May 27, 2007 was to a small group of about 40.) Last night, the Holy Spirit told me to release this word, but to redact portions of it that were a personal message to my brother and me. In obedience, I post this.]
On the way home from work today [on July 19, 2016], the Lord kept impressing the song Mrs. Robinson upon me in my Spirit to the point that when I prayed more fervently, I felt the urge to sing the song strongly. I remember most of the lyrics but there was a specific stanza that I had forgotten until I later looked up the lyrics.
1. Mrs. Robinson
By Paul Simon, Simon and Garfunkel
And here’s to you
Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know,
Woah woah woah,
God bless you please
Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey hey hey
We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files,
We’d like to help you to learn to help yourself,
Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home,
And here’s to you
Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know
Woah woah woah,
God bless you please
Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
Hey hey hey
Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes,
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes,
It’s a little secret just the Robinsons’ affair,
Most of all you got to hide it from the kids and coo coo cachoo
Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know
Woah woah woah
God bless you please
Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
Hey hey hey
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates’ debate
Laugh about it shout about when you got to choose
Every way you look at it you lose
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you?
Woo woo woo,
What’s that you say Mrs. Robinson?
Joltin’ Joe has left and gone away
Hey hey hey.
I listened to the song twice on YouTube. After that, I felt the anointing to prophecy. For the first time in a very long time, I felt to grab my phone and record the prophecy so that I could transcribe it.
Prophecy 7-19-2016
I am the Lord. Hear my word for today I have chosen to speak, and I have led you by my Spirit to record this word so that you can transcribe it and keep it, and remember it, and share it when the time is right.
Today’s events, my son, were not a coincidence. I chose this day perfectly. I chose this day from before you were born to bring this message to you and to teach you and your brother, who you will share this word with as soon as you are done, and your wife, of course, who is with you and with me today to receive your word, which is my word.
I want you to know, my son, that what I reveal to you is true. What I reveal to you and how I reveal it to you is how I chose to speak, so it is very important for you to share the details and testify about what you receive from me and how you received it. I want you to share it, my son. And the meaning of this song that I gave to you earlier today is already very clear and obvious. There is no candidate, no President, no political candidate that will help America, that will save America, that will stop America’s judgment. It continues onward as planned. America has turned aside from me. America does not seek me, and its people do not worship me in Spirit and in truth. So, I have not allowed America to have a candidate that will turn America away from its sins. I have not permitted it because I have decided long ago that it is now time for my judgment.
The people of America in their sin, in their hardened hearts, in their wickedness would never elect a candidate after my own heart. Such a man would never approach the office or come close to being selected. For there are those among the people of America that are righteous, not righteous like my son Jesus, but righteous nonetheless and justified by His grace, by my Son’s precious blood, but I want you to know that none who stand to win the presidency will help, will aid America’s recovery, will make America great, will restore the fortunes of this nation. America will continue its decline into further and further judgment, says your God.
There is no turning back from this path. There is no possible way for these things not to come to pass except that the nation repents before me, and not a repentance of words, not a repentance of momentary tears, but a deep and abiding, permanent change of attitude, actions, and heart. Yet I tell you the truth, this will not come to pass. It will not be.
So, you must prepare yourself because if you take your eyes off me and see the suffering and judgments around you, if you do not read my word, and study the Bible, and spend time with me in prayer, if you do not walk with me and talk with me on a day to day basis, and listen to my voice in your Spirit, in your heart, then you will be unnecessarily troubled by what will come to pass. It will affect your health. It will affect your home. It will affect your children.
Do the saints who stand in witness of all that is happening, do they shed tears? Do they now mourn? I tell you the truth, there are no tears among the cloud of witnesses, only rejoicing and celebration that my day approaches. So, you, too, when you see these things upon the earth and upon America, should not mourn, or shed tears, but rejoice and be glad because my day approaches. You are not to be like the people of this world. You are to be like me. You are to stand in judgment as an example to this world. When my word refers to my plumb line, what do you think they are talking about? I tell you the truth, my loyal and faithful servants with their robes washed white in the blood of Jesus Christ; they are the plumb line. I am the Lord and I do not lie.
I have a gift for you today, my son. Take this rod of iron and hold it. I will take it back from you when the time is right. Send this world to your brother so that he may read it and know that my message is for him to witness, for I do not change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Thank you for giving me your time and listening to my word. Do the things that I tell you to do. Be led by my Holy Spirit, and not by your flesh, not by your whims, by your pleasures, by your desires, by your hopes, by your dreams, but conform your dreams and your hopes to me in prayer, the fanning of my spiritual gifts, in fasting, in speaking in tongues, in prophesying. That is the will of your God. Do the things that I tell you to do. Obey my commands and all times, and do not stray from the narrow path that I have set before you. Be ready in and out of season for you do not know the day and the hour the next birth pain will come upon this world, but as my day approaches, so too will intensity and duration of these birth pains increase. So that you will not be caught unaware, I share this word with you today.
I am coming soon, and soon I will take you with me into the cloud. Soon, I will transform your bodies. Some of you will have fallen asleep and some of you will have your lamps burning, but know that this day approaches, and each day brings you closer and closer. So, this day is not known to you, nor the hour, but know the times and the seasons for it approaches at this moment. Do not be unprepared, do not be unaware, but stand firm in the truth of my word, and do not stray from it ever. For there are many who will walk away. Even at the very end, even a moment before the trumpet sounds, they will make a decision to step off the path to their own defeat and destruction, but let it not happen to you. Commit yourself to me and your ways to me and I will guard your steps and bring you into my promised land. Peace to you both, and I’m out.
Site Curator’s Addendum July 28, 2024
For those of you reading this that unfamiliar with the prophetic words delivered by the true prophets concerning the judgment of America that is underway you need to know the following, and even knowing this will only give you a partial understanding. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
- The sentence has been passed. The judgment is set.
- God is willing to relent if only there is true repentance. You will find the prophecy “I am Willing to Relent” that I received in 2003 on the site curator’s prophecy page.
- Right now in 2024, as in 2016, that repentance has not occurred.
To properly interpret the word below:
There is no turning back from this path. There is no possible way for these things not to come to pass except that the nation repents before me, and not a repentance of words, not a repentance of momentary tears, but a deep and abiding, permanent change of attitude, actions, and heart. Yet I tell you the truth, this will not come to pass. It will not be.
One must understand that there will be no complete staying of God’s hand at this hour. America will not avoid the next blow like Nineveh avoided judgment by heeding the word of the Lord delivered by Jonah. The evidence that this is true is the continued spiritual decline of this nation. Unlike Nineveh, few are heeding the warnings. We must understand what that means at this hour. No abeyance. However, as revealed to me many times, the actual severity and duration of the upcoming judgments will depend on how the nation responds to the blows it receives, and we, His people, will all have a job to preach to others, to call them to believe in Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to repent of their sins.
Continue to pray that this nation repents, and whatever you are called to do, do it with all of your might. Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Cast out demons. Help the poor and needy, and keep yourselves holy. All in the name of Jesus. With each birth pain that shakes the heavens and the earth, more and more people will be convicted and will repent (though many more will harden their hearts, unfortunately). Be ready for it, and do not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Revival needs to spread for this nation to truly have an abiding repentance. Draw near to God. Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts.
Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. Heed the call.
Did you hear the trumpet blast? If not, listen now!