Old Dog IV

Back to: The Alarm Was Sounded

Snatches of Time

Bob Neumann

Yesterday night was very busy. But like any night I found snatches of time where I would catch myself praying for my patient, praying for a co-worker who just “lost her mother”, for the families of the last “victims” of bombings and shootings in Israel. Long ago I found it difficult to set a schedule for “prayer”. Some people have a set time everyday where they “say their prayers”, “read their Bible”, maybe even “meditate” or “worship”. At one point in my life I had my day “neatly scheduled” to “fit GOD in”…where I deemed it appropriate.

Looking back I realize that in appearances I could have been labeled as “moderately religious”, one step from “fanatical cultist”. All that kept me from such a “glorious” achievement was THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT and this “guy” I kept running into. First it was dreams, then came what people call visions. In these “dreams and visions” I quickly learned “HE” had many labels. Went by several names and “wore” many “hats”.

I don’t know exactly when, but last night I had the “snatch” of thought that it must have been about right now, JERUSALEM TIME, of course, where HE sat on the donkey to ride into Jerusalem. And I thought HE had to…for two reasons. First because it had been prophesied in the OT. And second so that HE would have been in the tomb long enough that the next “first day of the week”…. OR THE FEAST OF FIRST FRUITS was exactly 3 days….

I have a dear brother named Bill who was given the IMAGE of the THIRD DAY. Powerful image and a powerful ministry. But last night I sort of got in that flow between thought and prayer and started looking not just at the IMAGES and THE PATTERNS…. All played out in the book of EXODUS…. And in the GOSPELS…but at the prophetic timing. CALL it PROPHETIC SEQUENCE.

To have ABIB 10 on the first day of the week meant only one year out of seven met with the prophetic timetable. But then again, so was HIS birth. First there is a decree from Rome… or was it a marriage contract between Joseph and Mary’s father? Or was it the star the MAGI saw? But we can’t forget Elizabeth and Zachariah…

See what I am talking about? To pull all the “threads” together to fulfill the OT PROPHECIES was not happenstance or coincidence. So as I began to ponder the day HE…THE LAMB OF GOD… rode through THE EASTERN GATE. What was HE thinking about? Was HE looking ahead… or was HE looking back to when HE delivered HIS PEOPLE from EGYPT? Or was HE looking to here and now and the need to “deliver” HIS PEOPLE again?

And then I thought…which one? The people of the first 6 covenants…. Or the people of the “NEW COVENANT”…. Yes there are a total of “7” covenants. But then again, what do you expect? It’s HIS PATTERN….”7″ is the # for both completion and perfection. And when we talk about THE LAMB “completion” and “perfection” should be on our minds.

Every day people are being killed in Israel. Every day “saints” are persecuted and martyred somewhere in the world. And every day people in amerika keep going on with their lives and struggle from moment to moment with “the world, the flesh, and the devil”. I know that HE must have been aware of all this as the crowds shouted “Hoshuannah…Hoshuannah…Y’Shua ben Da’ud…. HOSHUANNAH!!!!”

We say “hosanna” and it has no meaning…. But then again so does most of what is said or done. “Hoshuannah” in Aramaic means “SAVE US”, SAVE US…. Yeshua son of David…. Save us!!!!”

At least they knew HE was a KING…in the DAVIDIC LINE. Do church goers today really understand it and believe it today?

So I wondered what HE was thinking…about what HE still had to say that day in the TEMPLE COURTS? Or what HE would say to the 12 till HIS ARREST on Tuesday night on the Mount of Olives? Or was HE THINKING about the trial Wednesday morning and the crucifixion?

And I wonder how could HE do it all? But then again, maybe that is why HE is so special… so WONDERFUL? Somewhere along the line I realized I had never focused on what HE MIGHT have been thinking like I was at that moment in time, and I began to wonder why. Scripture says HE was “slain from the foundation of the world”. He kept telling the 12 HE would be crucified. HE even told them HE WOULD RISE…on that THIRD DAY.

I keep thinking of that little fact, everything HE told them that would happen, happened. And I wonder about how intensely dense I must be. The things HE HAS said to me…why do I doubt? Why even question? But I do…. as Paul said….oh wretched man that I am…

So for the last 24 hours I have pondered what JESUS might have been thinking, and I realize there is no answer. Over and over I come back to a simple fact…. When it was all said and done…it was ABBA’S WILL that was done.

Suddenly in a moment of clarity all of reality can boil down to four little words… YOUR WILL BE DONE. And if HIS WILL IS DONE then THE KINGDOM IS HERE.

Sometime today an old simple song came into my spirit…. I had not heard it in years. Maybe it ain’t got what “the brethren” want these days….

…Every road I travel down, YOU have gone before me…


Interesting last line….

selah old dog

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Up Next: The Secret Place