Old Dog I
Speak of My Mercy
Bob Neumann
“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so shall I be around My people. My people look unto My mountain for their help in the midst of their trouble. And to those who trust in Me, I am faithful in all things. But there are many who freely speak My Name; yet I know not! They proclaim knowledge and intimacy that is not for they look to themselves and not to Me. Each of them has their own high place to burn their incense; to make their sacrifices. What authority they espouse, what power they acknowledge comes not from My mountain. It is not of Me.”
“There comes a Day when all will see their folly, but before that day I will move against them. For too long I have been still, calling them to repent and to be saved. But they will not hear My voice, nor the words of My servants when I have sent unto them. So the Day approaches where all that they place their trust, all where they seek strength and power will be before Me. Every mountain that is against Me I shall bring down. Every stronghold that stands against Me shall melt as wax before Me.”
“For I Am. I will not allow their arrogance to continue. For long have they done what is ‘right’ in their own eyes. They do not lift their eyes to Me when they speak of their Savior, their Deliverer, their God. Because they look elsewhere, and smile to themselves.”
“For too long I have suffered fools and mockers who know Me not, yet speak of Me easily. Their words are sweet and smooth to ears who desire less than the truth. Yes, My son–they know of Me. Of My love and mercy. But not of My justice or wrath. They speak words of My glory and My holiness and understand nothing of what they describe. Boldly do they speak and act, saying they do so in My Name, but all they do is by their will.”
“Hear My Words, child! Who is like unto Me! Yet they fear Me not, nor do they concern themselves towards Me. For this reason I shall move against them. All that bears mention of Me, yet is not of Me I will bring down. All that stands against Me will be destroyed. All who banter My name and look to their own strength shall surely fall. They have placed their trust in wealth and in power. Soon their wealth will be useless and their power drained away.”
“Know this, that in the midst of this judgement, most shall not repent and seek My mercy. But there will be some who shall find Me. These are who you will minister to. Many will be broken and bound by their own religiosity. Speak of My mercy and My holiness, My love and My glory. They will listen to the truth, for all else will have been brought down in their lives.”