David Haase – 2003 to Present

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Standing on the Wall Watching

i do not often go here but tonight i must…. for the last 30 plus years i have been standing on the wall watching.. waiting as i watched the gathering storm grow in size and darkness… what most fail to remember is that a storm does not hit only one place but goes where the WIND directs it… i saw two stories one on top of the other, in order, in fact its the order of how things are done in the Kingdom… the stories will speak for themselves for most of you… what i want to remind you all of is don’t take your eyes off Yeshua do not stop to watch the storm, do not become afraid of the storm, but keep focused on Him alone… remember Peter walking on the water toward Yeshua he started to sink because he took his eyes off the King and looked at the waves surrounding him instead… so we must be watching our Kings eyes… looking on the one we love so dearly… only in this way will we walk above the waves and through the storm… May the Lord grant Wisdom, Understanding, Revelation and Peace this night in Yeshuas name Amen…. david

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