David Haase – 2003 to Present
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David C. Haase
October 9, 2014 ·
Teshuva one of my favorite words… it literally means “return.” But to understand the depth of it the layers… like all things of God, all Word given is simple at its core, as he wants us to understand…
We all know about repentance, which means to ask forgiveness and stop sinning… Teshuva is the completeness of that… it means to stop sinning as we have turned away from God… so Teshuva is to Stop…repent… turn around.. and run back into daddy Abba’s arms like the prodigal son…
Most stop and ask forgiveness but miss the whole point of it… the return to our creator, covered by the Blood of the one who paid the price for our sins… Yeshua… as He loved us more than His own life and become one of us to save us… how could we not want to be held by Him… to return back into His arms… it is the core of the Passion the whole reason He came… this is our Act… so as to give Glory and Honor to our King is to Teshuva…