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The Blood of Jesus and the Call of the Watchman

(Note: This word first appeared in February on the Joshua Ministries Apostolic and Prophetic Roundtable. I will edit typos and mistakes of that nature that I find and I will remove whatever God does not want on the website)

God told me just now to get back on the computer to give a testimony about the BLOOD OF JESUS. I’m moving swiftly before I can second guess myself.

A few months ago, I don’t remember when exactly, I was sitting in front of the computer at work and thinking about all the child kidnappings and rapes that were taking place in the news. I thought, and I wasn’t praying, “What kind of person would kidnap and rape little children? What kind of person could do such a thing?” I started thinking about the depths of wickedness required to reach that level of depravity. Suddenly, Jesus interrupted me and said, “The kind that I died for on the Cross.” I will never forget the words of his gentle rebuke.

I knew that God would one day have me share this experience, but I had difficulties with it. Many of the things that God calls me to write and say are things I would never write or talk about without his spoken command. Here is a condensed form of the dialogue that we had:

Me: “But Lord, it is so graphic. People will be offended if I talk about child rapists and how their sin was forgiven 2000 years ago by the shedding of your innocent BLOOD on the Cross.”

God: “You must not add or remove a word of this testimony or any other testimony, teaching, or prophecy that I send you to write.

Me: “But Lord, is it not enough to just say ‘The Blood of Jesus cleanses all sin?’ Why must I be so specific?”

God: “I have sent my people to be specific, but many will never listen and obey. They would never welcome a former pedophile or pederast into their church. If you just say, ‘The shed Blood of Jesus cleanses all sin. You have been forgiven,’ Satan and his minions say to them, ‘Yes, but your sin is too great. I’m sure they do not mean that someone as wicked as you could be forgiven.’ If you preach this way, in a general way without being specific, you leave the door open for Satan to deceive them with his lies. I will hold you accountable for their souls. If you are specific, my word will pierce their souls. If you see them walking toward the lake of fire, and do nothing to warn them, I will hold you accountable for that. You must be specific. You must not be afraid.

The other night, in response to a personal email I received, I prayed to God, “Lord, I stand here naked before you. Will you show me my hidden sins so that I may understand and repent?”

God answered, “Yes. You want to be loved and accepted. You want others to love you and accept you. But I love you and accept you. I am jealous for you. If you want the love and acceptance of others, then your heart may be enticed to say or do something pleasing to them, but offensive to me. In a moment of weakness, you may hate me, but I want you to love me.

I know that this is true. I do want to be loved and accepted, but now I understand the danger of this.

God said, “You must be careful to say every word that I give you. You must not add or remove a single word. You must say it exactly as I say it. If you remove even ONE WORD, you testify against yourself that you do not serve me. You testify that you serve yourself, not me, that you love yourself, not me, that you love your reputation, not me, that you are building up your name, and not mine. You must blow the trumpet. You must warn the people. If you fail to speak one word that I give you, I will hold you accountable for the souls of the people. If you speak every word that I give you, and the people don’t listen, you have exonerated yourself. Their blood will be on their own hands.”

Me: “God, among other things you have sent me to teach about giving? Why? Won’t they accuse me of being a ‘prosperity preacher’?”

God: “What do you care what other people think? Did I not clothe Solomon in splendor? I never change. Nevertheless, difficult times are ahead. You must teach them what true prosperity is. True prosperity is spirit, not material.

Me: “God, you have given me words of judgment. People will think I’m a prophet of doom.”

God: “Read the word. All of the greater prophets are prophets of doom. Read the word. Read the word. Blow the trumpet. Warn the people. Warn the people who have a form of godliness, but deny my power. Warn the people who build social clubs, who do nothing to help the sinners come to me, who put obstacles in their path, and tie up heavy burdens on their backs. They will be judged. Time is short. You will see it. You will see it. Warn the prophets who use the revelation of the third day to turn aside from my words of judgment and to turn the hearts of the people away from the PROPHETS OF DOOM that I sent. Warn them that they will be judged, that I will no longer accept this. So be it. Don’t be afraid to say ‘prophets of doom.’ Those are my words.

Me: “God, you ask me to be specific, but that is not what other prophets do.”

God: “They are blind guides. I have sent them to teach and to warn the people, but they commit all of the sins that I warned you against. They say, ‘Thus saith the Lord, come out of Babylon,’ but they don’t explain to the sheep, to the people, what Babylon is. They preach against dead religious works, but they will not stand up and risk being beaten and mocked and hated by teaching the people what dead religious works are. They prophecy one to another. They teach each other, and the people starve. They are like the scholars of this age that will pass away. They invent a specialized language that the children and the unsaved cannot understand, and they justify this by saying that I spoke in parables. But, did I not say that I am sending my Spirit to guide you into all truth? Therefore, you must speak in a clear way that is easy for the people to understand. This is why I gave you the prophecy, ‘Remember the movie the Beach.’ The newborn, the child, or the unsaved who does not know my word, but saw the movie because dreamy Leonardo DiCaprio is in it, will be able to understand what I am saying. I am perfect. Every word that I give you has a purpose, has power, divine power. My ways are not your ways. Do not try to filter my word through your own understanding. You will make it your own word, and strip it of its power. This is what others do. Do not follow their example. Look to me and I will tell you how to speak and write my word.

Me: “So Lord, what did you mean by ‘remember the movie The Beach’?”

God: “Tell them about ‘your neighbor.’

Here goes. A little while back God taught me how to identify my neighbor. Each and every one of you should perform the same exercise. He told me to grab a globe with a map of the earth and to point my finger on the place where I live. Then, I am to place my finger on the opposite side of the globe and look underneath it. If I am over land, I am to keep my finger there. If I am over water, I am to move my finger to the nearest body of land. “THIS IS YOUR NEIGHBOR.

Me: “God, why did you have to say ‘dreamy Leonardo Dicaprio?’ I know, because I received the word, that you were being humorous. You don’t think he’s “dreamy” in the same way that a star struck teenage girl thinks he’s dreamy. I know you were joking. I kept it in obedience to your command, but I know that many will not understand and be offended.”

God: “I love people. I want to walk with them in a personal way. I want them to know me, to know that I love them, and that I can relate to them. My ways are higher than mans ways, but I can still reach them at their level. I love them. I want them to know me personally.

In the Spirit I was reminded about how I play with my 3 year old daughter. I play with her at her level. The other day we were playing with toy cars. We were making all of her toy cars jump from a ramp and go flying in the air. After about the 20th or so time, I got tired of it and wanted to quit. She was completely engrossed. “Wait dada, you forgot to jump these two cars…” I’m imperfect, but God is perfect. “I never tire of having fellowship with my children.

In Christ’s love,

Dan “the every word guy”

Part 2

Hi everyone! Just got back from work. I wanted to write a quick follow up to my last posting.

1. We know that since God never changes, he still speaks in parables to this day. There is milk and solid food. There are words that are for the mature, and there are words for the unborn and the immature. The word God gave me was a reminder that God desires to speak to the baby and the unsaved as well. This word does not negate the fact that we must not give dogs what is sacred; hence the parables to thwart those who refuse to seek the deeper things of God. I knew this truth when I sent the last post and I sent it anyway in obedience to God because I didn’t make it up. God spoke. I don’t understand what it all means, but if history proves right, I eventually will understand if I study the Bible, pray and continuing seeking his face. I was content to walk away and never comment on it again, but God wants to use this experience to teach me and others. If you see someone teach a truth that you know is partial, it does not mean that they do not speak by the Spirit of God. Just because God told me to only speak one side of this issue, doesn’t mean that we (God and me) don’t know the whole story. I sometimes get too wordy trying to cover every contingency, but I just have to learn to write what God wants and trust in Him to do the rest.

Part 3

Please forgive me for writing again. I just remembered another thing that God told me when he was teaching my wife and me about worship and acceptable sacrifice.

Only those who offer an acceptable sacrifice will meet me in the clouds.

Yeah. I see the irony. You can’t understand this word unless you are willing to read the Bible and learn from the Holy Spirit, both directly and through His appointed teachers. Sometimes milk, sometimes strong meat, and sometimes everything in between. I hope, and I know that my hope is actually given to me by God, that you may find this word intriguing and look to study it so that the mysteries of God may be opened up to you. I’m still learning myself (obviously). God is so awesome.

God bless everyone. I asked God if he wanted to say anything before I called it a night, and he gave me a word:

Tell them that I love them. Tell them that my word is true. My word is true. My judgments are conditional, but my word is true. The outcome is already written in my word. Some will listen, some will not listen. Some will repent. Some will not repent. My word will be fulfilled. My word will come to pass. Tell them to read the book of Revelation. Tell them to read Jonah. Write this down. Write this down. If you repent, I will forgive you and restore you. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

(I grabbed my voice recorder and recorded the rest. This is an exact transcript)

February 22, 2003

Tell them not to look to the left or to the right, but to keep their eyes on me. Tell them that if they repent, if they repent. If they listen to my prophets, if they study my word and pray, and look to me, and if they repent, I will spare them. Tell them not to look to the left or to the right to see the reaction of others that are trapped in their fallen condition. Tell them that if they do this, they will take heart to continue in their rebellion, but if they look to me, if they look to me, and they cry out to me, I will not hide from them. I desire to save them. I desire to forgive them. Tell them that my son. Tell them that they are loved, that I want to use them. Tell them not be afraid to speak my word, to speak my word to the unsaved, to the pig, to the dog. Tell them that my words have power. Tell them that must teach each other, but they must also teach the children, the babies, the sheep, and they must also speak to the wolves. Speak to the ravenous wolves. Teach them. Some will repent, but they will not repent unless they hear my word. My words of judgment have divine power. My words of judgment bring about repentance. So do not despise my harsh word. Do not despise the word that exposes your shame, for this word will save you. This word will save you.

Listen to me. I am Jesus. I am the Father. I am the Holy Spirit. I am and always will be the same. There are famines, wars, earthquakes–all manner of disasters are coming. Everything in my word is true, and everything that my true prophets have spoken will come to pass, will come to pass. Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me. Some of their words will not come to pass. This is not a contradiction. (tongues) You must learn this. You must learn this, for when the people cry out to me, I delay and relent. I delay and relent, but everything written in the Bible will come to pass. Will come to pass. Listen to me. Read Revelation. Read it. You are living in this day. YOU ARE LIVING IN THIS DAY. Do not blind yourself. Do not blind yourself. Do not let the enemy blind you. Don’t listen to someone who says that there will be no suffering, no persecution, for with greater power, greater anointing, there will be greater suffering, greater persecution. In the first century Church there was martyrdom, imprisonment, beatings. I tell you the truth; the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house. Therefore, the suffering and the persecution will be greater. I never change. I have many empty seats next to my throne. Next to my throne are many empty seats. I tell you the truth. I tell you truth. Many of my faithful will suffer. Many of my faithful will suffer. This third day is a day of the latter rain, but it as also the day when my church will be persecuted like never before. Be prepared and do not listen to the one who claims to come from me who will not teach you and prepare you to face these things. I love you. I love you. I know mine. I know my faithful. I have marked them, I have sealed them in my Blood. (tongues) And my Holy Spirit is the guarantee that your sacrifice is acceptable to me. So walk with me, and worship me, and praise my name, for I am coming soon, and I will redeem you from all your suffering, and I will wipe away every tear from your eye, and I will reward you. Each person will be rewarded. You suffer not in vain. You suffer that I may credit it to you on the Day of Judgment. Well done. Well done. Well done. Welcome friend. Welcome. Peace. Peace. Peace.


(meaty note: notice how God said that “this third day is A day of the latter rain and not “THE” day. I hope you caught that. Read Acts chapter 2)

Oh, Cain offered God an unacceptable sacrifice. God said that all Cain had to do was offer a proper sacrifice and he would be accepted. Instead of repenting, Cain got angrier and murdered his brother Able in a jealous rage. So, some will be like Cain and instead of repenting, they will hear or read the words of the Prophets and get angrier at the true saints of God. Some will repent. Some will humble themselves and repent.

As God told me and my wife, “If one person believes and repents, is it not worth it? Is it not worth the sacrifice of your life for one soul? Make the sacrifice. Make the sacrifice.

(God was asking us to sacrifice our lives to Him, and put him first in all things.)

In Christ’s Love,


Up Next: Good Morning and Other Prophecies