David Haase – 2003 to Present
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Two Choices
my dear brothers and sisters… you are very Loved and His desire for you is perfect… The Lord calls to you even in this… in all things we stand with two choices before us… as in everything we do it always is just two choices… in one hand is God and the Kingdom of Yeshua.. in the other hand is Self.. the enemy and all his temptations everything of flesh comes down to self…
Every moment of every day we choose between these two hands the right or the left… God or self… and we are given free choice to make these… as God desires a bride who chooses Him above themselves…
Some will say I choose God… but God looks at the heart and the motive of the choice… is it for Love of Him or Love of self? again the choice of the two hands… others will stand up and preach a perfect word of God but they do so for the admiration or confirmation of others in themselves… this is about the place your heart is in and who it is for… God will search your heart and many will stand before the King of Kings saying but Lord Lord…. And that will be the most terrifying moment of their lost lives…
The next part of this is He seek those who walk in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord… it is not the punishment we fear for that is about self… but fear of who He is…. how terrible and wonderful is He to behold… His Glory beyond any words to convey what is beheld in that moment… it is fear of being without Him or loss of His voice and presence.. the being cast into the outer darkness where He has hidden Himself from you for all time… to miss Him on such a scale that it tears at your very being… for at that moment you finally meet Him He says it all… “I never knew you…”
Which brings up the final piece of this… Relationship… everything in every choice is about relationship it is your choice with every choice you make… do I want to be His bride and at His side or do I choose myself first in this moment… and then suddenly there are no more moments to choose you are in front of the King… where will you stand… He desires YOU with all of HIS heart but YOU must CHOOSE… God or self….