Old Dog IV

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Untitled July 7, 2001

July 7, 2001:

I had an unusual and vivid dream where I was standing in what looked like my parents’ home of 20-30 years ago. As I was slowly walking through the dining room toward the front door the town sirens went off.

Living in rural Illinois this usually meant a “funnel” cloud had been sighted

At this point I saw one of my younger sisters at age 5 or 6 (she is now 30 something with 3 sons) and I took her to the basement, which looked much as it did back then, but no one else was the same. So I went up the steps and noticed the house was now dark and that strange “steam locomotive” sound was approaching.

I have watched and heard several “TORNADO’S” pass by over the years, and I had the experience of watching and listening to Hurricane Andrew tear off my roof. So the event felt and looked all too real. At this point I “found” another one of my sisters, age 7-8, and took her to the basement. There I found several people I did not know. What I did find was a man, who I have worked with over two years. We said hello and I noticed he held two children — twins, age 10 months. In the natural he was just married several months ago. When last we worked his family was not expecting.

At this point I was missing 2 parents, 2 sisters, 3 brothers; I am the oldest of 8 children. Since I was seeing both the past and (theoretically a future), it was weird, and I had a wife and two children unaccounted for. So I was not surprised to find myself running up the stairs and through the house. Standing at the front door holding the front door open was the third sister.

I now had the three youngest accounted for. As I stepped out the door I noticed the increase in the “sound” and the intense wind blowing. My sister was looking towards what would be the east and I tried to pull her through the door, but she resisted. All around us there was a rapid swirling of dust and debris without any pattern. It was then that I realized that none of the houses on “our block” were there. All the “homes/ buildings” were unfamiliar and haphazardly spread out around us.

As I again started to pull my younger sister into the house I heard a dull “whining” pierce through the constant roar of the “approaching tornado”. As I looked to my left I saw a large multi-engined jet plane trailing smoke and† showing damage to it’s wings and tail structure. I watched it scream past and crash beyond us. Then I noticed a turbine sound, high pitched, coming towards us from the opposite direction. SUDDENLY the sound stopped and I saw a “missile” of some sort fly overhead, and I heard it crash moments later. At this point I picked her up and was about to carry her to the basement when I heard explosions coming from the East and watched as a low flying jet was strafing down “our street”.

I quickly ran through the house and down the steps to the “basement”… only it had changed. Now it was a huge area filled with many, many people. All sizes, ages, colors, whatever.

Along the walls and through the area itself were rows of piled “supplies” and “stuff”. At this point I stood alone dressed in my usual† faded fatigues with combat harness. I turned and walked towards where the “steps” should be, only to an earthen ramp with sandbags lining the opening. I walked out of the “basement” on to a scene of swirling colors and lights.

My thought was “war” in the heavenlies. The ground was barren and there was a sandbag wall and barrier in front of the opening to the place I had just left. The “WORD” that came was “redought”… if I spell it right. On “the roof” of the underground was a “fighting position” with sandbags and sheet metal. All around us were trenches and other positions, most empty of defenders. I watched as individuals and fireteams were “returning fire” from points completely surrounding the position.

It was obvious it was time to “pull” back to a closer, tighter defensive perimeter, and†all the defenders, as one, pulled out of their spots in the defenses and dropped into prepared positions surrounding the “redought”. I “knew” the area had been prepared and supplied for this battle. As all made ready the air itself began to shift and distort.

I felt sudden nausea and awakened in a full sweat.

The last battle appears to have begun.

old dog

Up Next: Untitled July 10, 2001