David Haase – 2003 to Present
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August 2, 2019
A true prophet of God has one quality that is easy to discern from those whom do not… they carry the Spirit of Fear the Lord… the same Spirit Jesus came in above all the others… why do you ask this one… a true prophet is afraid to misspeak a Word knowing His creator… It burns within his bones to speak the Words to compel them to speak. the Words are not meant to tickle your ears but to correct, to put you back on the path the Lord set out for you from the beginning… He uses the prophetic gift in others but these are not prophets…. in my life i have met less than a handful of true prophets… and True apostles… think of that a minute…
We are here to also encourage one another but not give false hope… false words… many times the fire we walk through is there to burn away that which is not good for us or the kingdom. it is meant to purify and bring the dross to the surface so it may be removed… lastly the Lord corrects those whom He Loves… embrace the fire when it comes and look for that which it is meant to removed from your life and give thanks to the Lord and see how fast you walk through it… watch to see the transformation it brings in you when it is done.. for there was no other way to do so… In Kings Love david haase