David Haase – 2003 to Present
Back to: What is Fear of the Lord?
When Asked About Who Is My Covering
When asked about Who is my Covering
When asked about covering… and sited Matthew 7:21-23 this is the Holy Spirits response…
Let’s start with the scripture used and the CONTEXT of who it is about and why it is used… then we will address covering…
Matthew 7:21-23 (NKJV)
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
From the very heart of the Lord He seeks those who does the will of His Father in heaven.. He speaks this many times… once here, once when asked who His brothers and sisters are… Matthew 12 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, From the very heart of the Lord He seeks those who does the will of His Father in heaven.. He speaks this many times… once here, once when asked who His brothers and sisters are… Matthew 12 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” Now you say we do what we see others doing and that must be the Fathers will… think on this.. Jesus came and saw no one doing the things He saw the Father doing… He did them as He saw the Father doing… so you ask then how do we see what the Father is doing?… You ask…… you pray… you fast… and you wait… sometimes the answer is given in an instant, sometimes it takes years.. but the Father is ALWAYS FAITHFUL as it goes straight to His Heart…
Years ago the Lord asked me a question which was more than I knew how to answer.. it was “Years ago the Lord asked me a question which was more than I knew how to answer.. it was “Ask of Me anything of My nature…” I had no idea what to ask so I answered… “Lord what should I ask?” And it came to mind about the Holy Spirit as I did not understand Him or who even He was… just that He was… so I asked… “Lord who is the Holy Spirit?…” and Suddenly before me was the Holy Spirit! And I understood Who He was… as I had met Him and was introduced to Him… to answer this deeper I was filled with who He was, it was like an understanding filled me of Him… so that brought about…” Lord I don’t understand the trinity thing and how that works…” and I was shown two images in vision… the first was a rope with three cords hanging down from heaven, each wrapped around the other, making one rope… the second image was to this point in Matthew, I saw three hooded figures before me, I was not to see their faces and they stood around a purple pillar of fire filled with Gold and silver lighting… I was given understanding that this pillar of fire was the Will of God the Father… and that they all worked together as one through it and by it….
my dear brothers and sisters… you are very Loved and His desire for you is perfect… The Lord calls to you even in this… in all things we stand with two choices before us… as in everything we do it always is just two choices… in one hand is God and the Kingdom of Yeshua.. in the other hand is Self.. the enemy and all his temptations everything of flesh comes down to self…
Every moment of every day we choose between these two hands the right or the left… God or self… and we are given free choice to make these… as God desires a bride who chooses Him above themselves…
Some will say I choose God… but God looks at the heart and the motive of the choice… is it for Love of Him or Love of self again the choice of the two hands… others will stand up and preach a perfect word of God but they do so for the admiration or confirmation of others in themselves… this is about the place your heart is in and who it is for… God will search your heart and many will stand before the King of Kings saying but Lord Lord…. And that will be the most terrifying moment of their lost lives…
The next part of this is He seek those who walk in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord… it is not the punishment we fear for that is about self… but fear of who He is how terrible and wonderful is He to behold… His Glory beyond any words to convey what is beheld in that moment… it is fear of being without Him or loss of His voice and presence.. the being cast into the outer darkness where He has hidden Himself from you for all time… to miss Him on such a scale that it tears at your very being for at that moment you finally meet Him He says it all… I never knew you…
Which brings up the final piece of this… Relationship everything every choice is about relationship it is your choice with every choice you make do I want to be His bride and at His side or do I choose myself first in this moment… and suddenly there are no more moments to choose you are in front of the King… where will you stand… He desires YOU with all of HIS heart but YOU must CHOOSE…
God or self…
Next teaching on this…
In everything from the very beginning God sought out a relationship with His creation, with Adam… it is why He desired to walk every afternoon with Adam… He wanted to know him and for Adam to Know God… We look at David and all throughout his life he sought the heart of God to do His will when we watch his son who was given Great Wisdom… he missed the what his father had come to know and that was everything starts with the relationship with our creator… you can know everything but God is Love… that is one of His seven Spirits and we all know that without Love we have nothing…
Every relationship is a two way work in progress… when you are first saved and really… really give your heart to the Lord… did He not romance you? … Think back to those times… if not then ask why… did you truly give your heart or just say them as you were expected by others to do so… this is not to diminish the work being done in your life in no way but to give you what you need to seek with all your heart… if you are now married or have had friends so close you told everything to you… knowing they would listen to you when no one else would and comfort you or give you advise… give you a hug… and be there for you… so it is with the Lord but as in any relationship it is not just in the hard times we were with friends… what allowed you to have that level of intimacy with them was also sharing the good times… speaking at great length with them about what just happened… your joy or surprise… think of seeing the little children and how when they discover something new how excited they become…. they cannot contain themselves and have to share it!…. This is some of what makes up a relationship… you share they listen… they share you listen… Your Father in heaven desires to be close to you… to have you know Him and to know you…
A good relationship is learning everything you can about someone you want to trust and share your deepest secrets with… the closer you became the more you both shared with each other… the more the trust the deeper the secrets you would share… this is no different… in fact it is our part to dig into as the Lord has already given us the means to learn about Him and once we start THEN He starts opening up more to us in those still quite moments alone with Him…
Relationship is what separates the Bride from the wise and the wise from the foolish bridesmaids… each taking their relationship deeper to a place that one from those 11 has grown in such love with the Lord that Lord desires her for His bride… when you get married you want to spend the rest of your life and time with that person because of the person you have grown to know… it is deep seeking love and knowing the other that makes this… and the foolish bridesmaid who knew of but just never found time to sit and talk with their king… the one who wants so much to be their groom as well… will find out the price was so high to pay when He tells them later be gone I never knew you…
All He has asked to start this is relationship with Him… we do so first by accepting Yeshua/Jesus as our savior… to make a path.. a way to sit and speak with our Lord… you were paid for with a great price but like all relationships you still need to work on them. So go now and confess your sins before Him… become clean with the blood of the lamb as He can have no sin before Him as He is Holy… then go sit at the feet of the Lord and spend time with Him… it is His great delight for you to do so…
Next teaching on this…
What is the definition of witchcraft at its core?….
The answer is “my” will be done not Gods….. it is about self…. not about kingdom first… it is about my needs and desires above all else… it is seeing what we think should be done… thinking we know better than God what should be done or not caring we will seek it anyways… sometimes we seek without asking God what is His Will or what should we pray… it is like being a sniper and just shooting whatever moves… no idea if it is good or bad or if it supposed to be there to help someone get closer to God or be a lesson they must learn… we just do what is right in our own eyes…
Gods ways and thoughts are above our own… it is for this reason the Holy Spirit is there to lead and teach and speak with us IF WE ASK… sadly not many do… too often we just blindly do our thing, justifying with it with all manors of thoughts and excuses…
Jesus taught us HOW to pray… THY WILL BE DONE… so how hard is it to ask first for direction on what to pray? Remember we are called servants yes but also he calls us HIS FRIEND… so why would we take advantage of the trust of our friend… even more to the point comes the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord…. And the one phrase which should strike fear in everyone… “But Lord Lord I did all these things in YOUR NAME… and the Lord replied BEGONE I NEVER KNEW YOU!!!!”
It is seeking His will and a relationship with Him that seeks HIS kingdom first not our own….
Start your prayers with Lord show me how to pray for this and what your will is in this matter you will be amazed at the depth and speed of the answered prayers when you give it to Gods Will… IN JESUS NAME… when He directs you… Be Blessed in Blessing others for He called us to pray for one another…
Next teaching on this…
Stumbling Blocks
There are times the Lord moves friends and family out of life in a earth shattering way… one we could never see coming… it has the appearance of the bridges are burned and all ties are cut… we are broken and left in tears wondering what happened…
It is here you must walk without them and Trust in the Lord above all else… Your life and theirs together was a stumbling block to each other… We see our closest friend suddenly walk away and then years later we see the ways of the Lord in it for with them we would have never walked in the way the Lord desired us to walk… and such is the Lord that it is NEVER for just one but many like the ripple in a pond… and so your friend is also called to whatever they must do but to each other you never would have made the choices that needed to made or listened without having that other set of ears to lean on… we become trained to listen deeper, to walk with Him alone and He is the one who brings us together for season…
Do not harbor unforgiveness in your heart towards them… it was not them… It is the way of the Lord
Next teaching on this…
The one rule i have always kept is a simple one….. no man knows the Will of God for another… but we can see the direction and His heart and Will in the Word… the rest is a mystery between them and God alone and is best found out in that personal journey…
so many come asking what is the will of God for me… above is my answer… it is found in the Word… and is something that need to be spoken from the Creator as God gives warning and corrections through His servants as well as confirmation. … yet the rule still stands for me… it is the persons zeal their desire to seek God and grow closer to Him… it is that pursuit through the Word and in prayer that God will speak His will and desire for them…. in this they find all the answers…. the creation… it is that journey which serves to finish the image of God as He created us to be… If the Lord has someone He wants a message given to then it is given…
There are times yes we are shown what is to be, yet we are commanded to be still in the matter… why? The best lesson is one learned… the journey of discovery grows a bond deeper than a quick reply but when prompted by the Holy Spirit yes we speak…. But only when prompted. … It is His creation to form just because I was privileged to witness His design something He wanted to share with myself or others who listen… does not give me the right to interfere with His way of doing things… Again we seek discernment and guidance from the Lord before we speak…
From what i understand the reason for this message and teaching now is so many out there just go places to give a word or tickle ears for approval or think they are doing the Lords work… some go to destroy or mislead … or cause confusion knowing or not knowingly… it for these that this message also comes with a warning…. for there is one scripture that brings Fear of the Lord upon me greater than any other… when you see them cry Lord Lord and He says depart from me i never knew you…. it is from this place the fear of the Lord that this is spoken … it is with Love of a Fathers heart to correct and to bring Teshuva to His children…
I would like to pose a question you do not need answer it… for the answer will be given… What Spirit was Yeshua sent with which ONE Spirit of God did Yeshua walk in the most…. and think about it… God himself comes as a man with all our weakness what one spirit would protect Him from what is here? To keep Him focused on the task at hand so hard and terrible at the finish in order to destroy the works of the enemy? I ask this because we are about to enter into times which we will need to ask for this Spirit now and walk in it as well one that will hold us to finish the race and hold onto our crown…. Isa 11:2-3 (NRS) The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord…
From a Fathers heart…
We have seasons where we walk in faith… not knowing where we are being led, we have walks were like Job we have those who like Job’s wife tell us to just lie down and curse god and be done with it… they do not see the masters hand at work… There are times when it is all we can do to put our head in Abba’s lap and cry out what we are going through… and there are times when like Job we see our friends all pull away till the walk and season has run it course… The furnace is not easy, nor fun but it is necessary for the metal to be molded and shaped, the impurities removed and the final tempering to be made to strengthen it… we all walk through this and it is a lonely walk and time… we are to reach out to our creator as only He can really comfort us… He says He will never give us more than we can handle and as I looked into a silver smith I understood… as the heat is brought to within a few degrees of it ruining the metal, yet the silver smith know right where to stop and the closer He gets the purer the metal… so it is with us…
If you are going through the worst part of your walk and you do not understand why or how… when you see nothing left before you as all the roads and doors have closed… take hope as the one who Created you has you under His watchful gaze and care… with tender love He will remove you from that flame and set you down in a broad place, He will comfort you and heal you and give you a new testimony from it…. You are His new creation one forged in the Flames of His Will… we stay in those flames in Obedience and it is part of the training and walk that will carry you forth on His missions that He alone has for you… no one else was created the same way, every walk is unique but we all have testimonies that will reach out and save or help those who need to hear it… I ask that you pray over those you meet who are walking through those flames they need your love and they need to see your kindness… for it has been your love and prayers and kindness that has helped me through these flames… it was Christ in you who was there being my brother my sister and I am thankful before the Host of Heaven to my Creator for this…. And now I ask Him to Bless each of you now and forever… in Yeshua’s name Amen
Now lets move on to covering… and what does the Word have to say about covering, not what the Church of man has to say, as this is what has been taught to keep control…
Isaiah 30:1 says, says, says, “Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin.”
So we see here that the ONLY cover we are told to have is the SPIRIT of GOD HIMSELF not of a man.. least it lead to sin upon sin… chew on that for a minute as it flies in the face of every teaching of the church of man…or as God says it Selah… which means think about it its important….
Now this one will be a mouthful for many but lets focus only on the image given…
1 Corinthians 11 (NKJV)
1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.
2 Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things and keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. 5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved. 6 For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God;
So in this I have to ask… where do we see ANYTHING about being covered by a pastor… a man? So this leads to another question for you to answer among yourselves… if you and under the covering of a sinful man do you not share in those sins as we saw in Issiah? Which is why we are to be covered ONLY by the spirit of God Himself… now as this will bring up questions among the woman lets address this quickly… when you are MARRIED your covering becomes your husband…
1 Corinthians 11 (NKJV)
but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man is not from woman, but woman from man. 9 Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. 10 For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the Lord. 12 For as woman came from man, even so man also comes through woman; but all things are from God.
There is much meat here if you dare to seek it… but that must be your quest…
Lets continue…
Most theology has been contrived by man to rule and have control… yet nowhere does it say in the Word… does it say to do this unless you tilt the book a little funny and add this scripture to that scripture and twist it to make it work for you… who else does that a lot.. the enemy… so whose heart are they working if that is being done… it surly is not the Lord of Hosts… yes we are to submit to those His places in Authority but I must ask you this… if a man places himself in authority is it of God or himself… and as such I know who called me and to what I am called, can they say the same or was it wishful thinking for a better job… what’s better than being paid for one day a week’s work and a few hours at that… so here is the rest of this thread…
Lets go to Brother John… and the words of Jesus himself on this matter
John 10
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.
12 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep.
14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. 15 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.
So lets start with what is a hireling and what is the definition
Noun 1. a person who works only for pay, especially in a menial or boring job, with little or no concern for the value of the work.
2. Serving for pay only.
3. Venal; mercenary.
Nice image… so lets go to who owns the sheep? Easy one.. Nice image… so lets go to who owns the sheep? Easy one.. 14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.
A pastors job to WATCH OVER and PROTECT… to WARN and put his own life on the line… so… how many will really do this… far too few I am sad to say… those that do will be honored in heaven, the rest well those are those found in matt 25… so just a litmus test does your Pastor teach and warn about the enemy and what is coming.. or does he stick to a an script? One you have heard about some football game or what not? is it all entertainment.. that keeps you laughing and just tickling your ears… to most of you it is less than baby’s milk… with no meat and you are starving to death… you seek out a new church hoping to find one to feed you yet it is the same over and over… for this is mans church not the church of God or of Jesus as it was set forth.. it has become a business… and it is in fear that I walk each day… I awake of my Lord to be found in His will to do His work as He sees fit… can they say the same… but its not about me or even them it is about Yeshua Ha Mashiach… Jesus the Messiah and His Kingdom come… it is about the bride He has bought and paid for to free from her sins with His own life and blood… the perfect Shepard… my King… my Lord… is He yours….