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Woe Unto The False Prophets

by Dan

Woe unto the false prophets who die in my judgments, who die swiftly for they will suffer greatly in hell.

Woe unto those who will be destroyed by the very judgments they say will not come to pass.

Woe unto those who teach the people that since this is the day of the revelation of sonship, there is no longer a need to speak of judgment.

Woe unto the true prophets that I have sent who have become false by trading the truth for lies. They were given much, and much will be demanded of them.

Woe unto them for many will die so swiftly in the fires of nuclear explosions that they will not have time to repent. When they served me faithfully they caused much destruction to the kingdom of Satan, and they will be given to Satan so that he may have his way with them. They were running a good race, but quit and turned instead to chase after the things of this world.

Blessed are the false prophets that read the words of this prophecy and repent. I will restore them and I will give them twice as much as before. I will no longer remember their sins and they will live with me forever in my kingdom.

Beware my people. These false prophets will be suddenly destroyed by the very fires that they say are not coming. Do not join in their sin by spreading their lies.

As for you my faithful ones. The ones that wear my robes of righteousness. The ones that are washed and covered in my Blood. Have no fear of the judgments that are coming. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Remember Daniel in the lions den. Remember that I am with you. I have redeemed you from all of your sins. Just keep your eyes on me and look to me for I am your shield and your great reward.

Rejoice with me. I am coming soon. I came as Savior and now I am coming as Judge.

Peace. I’m out.

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