David Haase – 2003 and Earlier
Word to all…
My children I cry and weep for thee, you seek the world and see with the eyes of a man, I called you and you came, but I called you to be without blemish, I called you to seek My word, I called you to look upon all through My eyes, I called you to be humble, I called you to be pure in Heart, soul, mind and body, I called you to seek out the lowest of My children, I called you to love everyone. And yet you seek doctrines that twist My Word, you seek power, status and anointment by man, you seek pleasure of the flesh and mind, your hearts have turned for worldly things and have grown cold, you desecrate your bodies… My Temples with your sin in which you have no remorse, you seek those with money or those who are easy to lead, yet those who need Me most are alone, abandoned without My hope. You seek others to love you for what you are, but I see you as the same priests who turned away from Me and condemned My Son. I see you as you look for the law in My Word, not of the love for the spirit which is to open My arms to all My children to turn them from the world and focus on My Will.
I now call you to be as silver, to pray each day with all your heart, for Me to scrape away your dross so all may see only My reflection in you, in all you say and do. I now call you to give up all for Me. I now call you to abandon all that’s gives glory to yourselves. Remove your fancy vestments and go fourth humbly in My name. I call you now to become pure of heart, mind, soul and body, to leave all sex-sin and immorality behind. Shed this skin or lose all you hope to gain, for your fate is far worse than you imagine.
My church is no longer found within walls of man, My church will no longer follow false doctrines of man. My church will no longer follow sinners who think to lead them, for I will show them all of your sin’s if you not turn back towards Me now.
My children I love you with all My heart, I asked you to place Me first in your lives above all else. This is My greatest commandment yet you never heard it, for if you did all the laws, all the sins would have fallen in their own place to their own accord.
How I have longed to hold you and all those you have forgotten. As in times past I have sent you My prophets to warn you My coming Wrath to spare you My Fury, yet you do not believe and will not listen. The time is so short you would faint of heart if you only would see as those who see with My eyes. I cry and weep for you and for the sons and daughters who will never know Me…