David Haase – 2003 and Earlier

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Word to the Body 10

Please hear this plea from my heart. In each of our callings and walk with the Lord, He will use those around us and some of these He will use to break us, when we gave ourselves to Him, it gave Him the right to do whatever He needed to do to mold us into what He needed us to become. The brothers and sisters who have fallen as we have walked the Lord has not forgotten, He is dealing with each one in His time, His way, not ours. You have been Blessed to see what is going on around you, you are Blessed to walk forward past the fallen with your eyes still on our Lord, you are Blessed that the Lord took the time to break you as He saw/sees fit. Stop what ever you are doing now and pray for all those in your live you have seen fall, then let them alone into God’s hands, do not revisit or search for fault in your self, give this to God, these battles are His, not yours, do not rebel against Him, by trying to fix what He is breaking or has broken, they belong to the Son and Father…Now be at peace and rest in the Lord.

Up Next: Word to the Body 11