David Haase – 2003 and Earlier
Word to the Body 6
Please seek the Most high with what must be said here… in all ways and movements of our Lord it is by His will, not ours, in all matters of judgment it is His will and to come against His will is to rebel against our Lord Jehovah. When anyone or country comes against the Lord they will find judgment or a rebuke, this is His will and must happen.
Last night the Lord came upon me and i was grieved and brought to hard sobs for the lost souls and was shown what must be. We have a choice to obey and honor our Lord or rebel…this country and its people have chosen to rebel, so the Lord who is just and true must act as His word promises. i asked and prayed for a way to change the hearts and sins of these people. The Lord showed me they but have to CHOOSE to follow our Lord Christ Jesus and mean it not just play act it, they can not be helped by allowing things to continue. If a child does wrong does it help that child to allow him to go on doing wrong and what example does it give to the other children. Your request for intercession should be to have all repent and turn their full hearts to Christ and our Lord living God Jehovah and to follow and ask for His will be done in all things. Only in this can His hand be stayed at this late hour.