David Haase – 2003 and Earlier

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Word to the Church

In days of old, men built monuments to divine My will. But My will was not found in things of man. (2 kings 21:10) The church that man has built, is a church of man, not of God, it is full of his ways, not Mine.  It seeks that with an eye towards what is seen by man, not of Me.  The time is fast approaching that I will separate and cleanse My house first, before I cleanse the nations of their sins.  My church will be drawn out of the churches of man and be of My will, they will cry out to Me continually in praise and prayer in all they do.  They will not only pray in words but in actions. Many will fall in these times.  Look upon the world with My eyes, not yours.  Seek only My will, not yours.  I will walk with you and protect you, your lives are Mine and I shall hold them in the cup of My hand and no harm shall come upon you.  So saith the Lord living God Jehovah.

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